Fun Facts with Jae!
Battletags are not personal information. They are just random usernames.
You cannot find out any personal information by knowing a battletag. The only thing you can do is send a friend request which can easily be denied and blocked. This is safe.
Currently, all you need is the character’s name and server and you can message them AND add them without permission. This is unsafe.
The character you are playing on is not your own. It belongs to blizzard and you’re just borrowing it! Your armory and character are not personal information.
Personal information is your real name, address, phone number, social security number, etc. It is NOT your fake video game character!
Being anonymous is a breeding ground for toxicity. This has been proven via multiple studies over the years and 4chan is a prime example of places no one wants to be because it’s basically the wild wild west with no law or order. Anything goes, including doxxing and swatting! This is not safe.
Having your characters tied to one account prevents people from accusing you of sockpuppeting. It also stops sockpuppeting. You also get your trust level and posts tied to one account!
Account wide ignores helps to prevent toxicity by nipping the problem in the bud. If you ignore an account, they simply can’t switch between 30 different characters to continue to harass you. Safety!
Did you know? A battletag is not personal information and I’m not afraid to share mine because I’m confident of that fact. You may friend request me, but you can do nothing else with it. You can’t find out a single thing about me! Vongola#1794.
When you post on a public forum, everything you say is public information and can be shared to other places! Make sure you don’t say anything that can come back to bite you later.
Every single blizzard forum, aside from this one, has battletags and there have been no issues. Isn’t that neat?
Did you know that having a streamer mode in game to prevent stream sniping does not apply to the forums? The overwatch forums use battletags, too!
Protect yourself today by investing in battletags for the forums!
This educational message has been brought to you by Vongola#1794!