Can we ask for more privacy features in forums to feel more secure?

How? All you’d know is their BattleTag, which is less information than you have now with charactername-servername.

And if you enable the optional BattleTag block, there’d be no way for them to do anything with your BattleTag.

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if i wish to not hear anything from a person such as annoying one, i mean it.

I wish not hear anything what has to say from newly created alts.

Make ignore be account wide, e.g. if i ignore person it should be account ignore, so i wont have to hear anything from such as person again. :triumph:


Which you’d see on whatever character they post on, allowing users to bring up their history no matter what they do on this platform.

Creating more issues for the mods to deal with and ultimately making your solution fail.

You missed the part where you’d have an option to only display the BattleTag. And we already have hidden post history so they would have the same information they have now. Which is nada.

Fine with me as long as it comes with account wide ignores.

Then they just identify people by the Btag.

how about we have the option to not show our battletag at all?

that way, people who want btags can use the forum with their btags showing and the people who want their information kept private are allowed to do so.

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And then what? They’d know the BattleTag, which would give them approximately nothing to go on other than the person has an active WoW subscription.


They show the history of the person behind the Btag.

You can say it won’t happen but it is arguably happening to the OP as users bombard them about their post history.

None of that behavior will disappear with Btags or otherwise.


People can have opinions, but I don’t have to respect them. Many people are homophobic or racist, I don’t respect that type of opinion.

What a strange thing to say!


Which is why we have moderators and rules.

Issue here is that some users think those rules should apply more brutally to others in the grey area yet pass them over them like spring rain.


And that’s just proof that anonymous posting would decrease security if they could continue posting such vile garbage.

So again, BattleTags and an optional BattleTag block would be an increase in privacy and security for most players out there. Thanks for proving my point for me.


Being able to more effectively ignore people (instead of characters) would have zero impact on the people being ignored.


Alright but looks to me you just changed the subject which brings us back to my first point.

If your post history is available through search engines, then that’s on Blizzard for allowing those search engines to trawl through the forums. They could disable that if they really needed to.

So once again, anonymous posting would be an overall decrease in privacy and security. Battletags and an optional BattleTag block would be an overall increase in privacy and security.


It’s almost like they are saying it’s rude to be intolerant of intolerance. We should all hold hands and welcome people with horrible opinions into our lives because that will make everyone feel safer and more comfortable. It’s the kind of nonsense that they’ve been clinging to for over a week now.


No they’d have to make call outs a bannable offence to stop any form of call outs or witch hunts which likely makes up the majority of this topic and others.


That was one of the most ridiculous posts I’ve ever read.

What does that have to do with BattleTags?

If you don’t then people will just abuse it for the worst.

You can’t convince me that the same kind of behavior I just mentioned won’t be seen again if we ever get a forum with account wide Btags or account wide ignores.

People can’t help themselves in trying to make others feel miserable.

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