Can we ask for more privacy features in forums to feel more secure?

I have two accounts. If I kept the second one running, I could have 120 characters. Would you rather push a button two times or 120 times?


Again, you’re trying to compare two vastly different things. While you may have to ignore more than one account, that is not the same as ignoring 60 individual characters.

That’s ludicrous.


Not to mention classic characters, too!

doesn’t matter to me, honestly. i don’t mind pressing the ignore button more than once, so i believe a change to the system really isn’t necessary in all honesty.

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If I used three accounts I could have 180 characters. Would they rather push a button 3 times or 180 times? You see how fast that can become annoying?

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pressing the ignore button is really quick and simple - i don’t really complain if i have to do it more than once…

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So doing something 120 times is no different than doing something 2 times. You do you, but a vast majority of the people here would like to have to only do it 2 times.


good point. It will change nothing. People just want ignore everything they do not like or agree with.

Image if in real world people would come to your face and say i do not like what you say - IGNORED.

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So you would rather ignore one person hundreds upon hundreds of times because it’s all the same to you.

Good to know, now give them all hidden profiles and then you have to go through several stages to ignore someone. By the fourth of fifth account, you wouldn’t be able to ignore them anymore because there is a limit of how many people you can put on your ignore list.

Edit: Seems they have had me on ignore because they are quick and snappy to respond to my alts but completely ignore my posts. :>


They usually get handsy when they do, and you know where that goes…

It’s why I walk away. That is the simplest form of conflict management is walking away.

With your statement… though… it sounds like regardless of what you say you want others to listen to it.


In real life, you can just walk away from people without listening to what they have to say.

Edit: And no, people don’t normally just ignore what they don’t like or agree with. People are more likely to ignore horrible things like clearly racist rhetoric. No one should have to listen to garbage like that.


Additionally, if you walk away and someone takes it further and threatens you, you can contact authorities for it be handled.


And what is wrong with that? There is no rules on ignoring someone, and most of the time, it is better to ignore over a disagreement than getting into a fight and getting actioned for it.


Imagine seeing someone in real life get told to off themself and then you walk up to them and tell them not to get offended because it’s just an OPINION :slight_smile:



That would make me furious.


i am wondering why i never had to put anyone on ignore ever? Not even a single time in forums and in-game (except few times 1lvl spamming trade char for illegal stuff)

in 20 years…

i am still wondering…Why…

Where are these people that i should ignore and for what?

Because you rather engage in toxic behaviour with real-life threats rather than doing the right thing.


Considering that you’ve said that people should be sent to the electric chair on these forums and been ok with death threats, why would anyone on here trust your judgment?


You don’t.

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