Can we ask for more privacy features in forums to feel more secure?

three accounts with BNET balance. not three accounts overall.

You don’t know if they’re the same person if they use classic characters, and you especially don’t have a way of knowing at a glance. There is absolutely no way I am checking the pet collection of every poster before I respond to them. I might if they’re being rude and I have no clue who they are.

You don’t really need to do a hardware ban when it requires you to use an active account to post on the forums, if said active account has a forum suspension, it doesn’t matter where you log in from. If you have several bnet accounts under your name, then all could be hit with the same restrictions.

Similarly, for someone to say, “I’m going to use a fake name to open a different account, with a throwaway e-mail and only pay the sub with store-bought game-cards” then to log-in from the same devices, it could be benign but if the activity on the alternate account becomes problematic then it might fall under investigation or just end up being closed anyways.

As someone who grew up using an anonymous image board, posting anonymously does not encourage any sort of conversation worth engaging in and leans heavily into absurdity and hyperbole.

It takes too long to distill any sort of truth from the pile of ca-ca you have to dig through.


Also a lot of illegal topics and mannerisms as well. 4chan does have that liability waver on their random section for a reason.

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The amount of time, effort, and money that goes into making a new character isn’t remotely close to the time, effort, and money that goes into making a new account.

To even attempt to make those sound equal is ridiculous. A new character takes 15 seconds. The other path takes more time and money.

Not that this point will likely get addressed.


The question being does a subscription count as a balance or does game time count as a balance?

I like how they’ll argue that sock puppeting isn’t a problem, but that we shouldn’t make any improvements because it wouldn’t completely stop the problem of sock puppeting.

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Yeah, I’m pretty sure Ayu posted a reply from Vrak about it, but I can’t find it :thinking:

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here you go.

from a green post on that:

What I do want to clarify though is that you can have as many Bnet accounts as you want - provided they are in your legal name.

What you can’t have is more than 3 with Battlenet Balance on them.

I cannot find it either.

There’s so much drivel in here in between the discussions that things are becoming hard to find.

No, just can’t have more than 3 accounts with a BNet balance Balance is not a bank account. And, while you can register and play on multiple Accounts, you are not allowed to have more than three (3) Accounts with Balance.

(Section D.i.2 under Platform and Game-Specific Features.)


Ah and I know who that is as well. Alright then.

Would a subscription count as a balance though?

no it does not.

blizzard does not care how many accounts you have and how many subscriptions you paid for using your own personal funds (via credit card or paypal), blizzard just doesn’t want people to open bnet accounts and store funds in there and act as a bank account.

Hm, well regardless it would still be easier to ignore an account than it would be each singular character.

but how much easier?

and given that it is very much similar, would it be worth it to blizzard to spend the extra time and resources to implement btags when essentially people will still do the same thing they do now?

I have 60 characters on this account. Would you rather ignore every single one of them individually or one button to ignore them all?


and how many accounts? you can still make new accounts that would require me to press the ignore button more than once: therefore, why change the system when it will function the same way?

Well, think of it like this, if someone kept having to ignore someone else and flagging their posts as spam, trolling what have you, it would, I would think, be easier on the mods to have a 1 and done ignore.

Let’s not and say we did.

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but this would still happen with people who open multiple accounts, correct?