Can we ask for more privacy features in forums to feel more secure?

I think a lot of people would be happier if Blizzard showed improvement on stuff, especially at a more frequent pace - but the opposite seems to occur more frequently in the form of downgrades.

People want it because they want to either be able to ignore someone and be done with it, or at least know they’re not wasting their time with the same person they’ve already debated with or had issues with. It may not stop the issues, but it may help. I don’t know a full stop solution to most of the problems.


but will the pro-btag crowd be happy when they realize that people are still able to sock puppet with btags attached to their forum avatars?

The only full-stop solution is to outright ban the problematic types who abuse the system before they get to their third, fourth, fifth alt or account, or for people to not engage on the forums at all.


Imagine having extra money to throw in the trash just to get around the ignore system :woozy_face:

Not saying it doesn’t happen because I know it does, but the majority of people aren’t going to waste money for things like that. Many people are struggling just to exist and playing WoW is their escape.

The chances of someone making another account and paying for that account just to swerve past being ignored by someone is highly unlikely. Not impossible, but unlikely.


And yet, you think it is better to go anonymous with posting so you can troll the forums further?

so what would your solution be to that?

Would be time consuming as well as costly. I’ll be happy for people to waste their money for nothing.


It’s already understood that some people will attempt to sock puppet and if there’s a btag attached, well that’s grand.

If it is someone that I have had a squabble with in the past, I can simply place them on ignore and not waste my time.

Alternatively, having a means of account wide ignore would also suit my fancy as well.

That would be the best solution.

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but someone could just make a new account, right? then account wide ignore really does not solve your issues.

and honestly i just dont see the point of having blizzard spend all this time and resources to overhaul the forums to have btags and account wide ignore when sock puppeting and ignore-bypassing will still happen.

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Sure, and legal name might be a basis to do it. But I think that can be avoided, even hardware can be because of phones. Plus there are times Blizzard or GM/Forum mods are wrong, and I’d be sketchy with how little Blizz investigates stuff even for appeals right now with most things getting outsourced

And how many emails, and BNet accounts are you willing to make, as well as the time to make them as well, and the amount of money to make them? I’d be happy with it, because it isn’t my time or money you’ll be wasting.


They make another account I simply place that one on ignore. Not all the characters on that account.

I would rather ignore 2 times than 20.

It will not happen as bad and that’s up to Blizzard’s discretion, yes?

We can provide them the feedback and whatever they choose to perform is ultimately up to Blizzard themselves.


but you can just do this now, right?

if someone changes characters, you click ignore on the new character.

same as you would click ignore on the new account if account wide ignores existed, yes?

so what is the difference between the system now and account wide ignore or btags?

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Wanna know the story? yes, I did, misgender her and I apologized for doing it, but she flipped out still and to this day, will not let it go. This has been going on for a few years. The things is with bullies (what she is), I don’t cower, I push back. Gender was NEVER an issue with me, but she made it personal. What you are seeing is a personal grudge/beef bleeding onto the forums. I don’t like militants, I have all her toons on ignore, I even left Moon Guard.

I admit, I said those things on twitter, I’m not gonna hide about it, it’s there.

Because you’ll not be able to get away with bypassing by the characters, and would spend a lot of time and money with creating an entirely new account.

As they’ve said:


how do you know you would only need two ignores with account wide ignore and btags? people can make more than 2 accounts.

it just seems to me that the current system would function exactly the same as it would if btags/account wide ignores were implemented.

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No because I ignore 1 singular character on their account.

Over and over again.

Singular vs multiple. I would rather not have time for nonsense.

I can simply ignore a user one time and not bother with any of their other alternative characters that they decide to post with.

Why let’s do the math here… I believe you can have 8 accounts per account with 60 (or is it 65?) characters per account.

That is a grand total of 480 characters at 60 per account that, if someone wanted to really go through all the time and effort, could keep swapping between.

1 battle net account with all those characters on them… I ignore that and regardless of how or who they swap characters to… I need not worry.

Speaking of nonsense, this topic is rather lengthy now, yes?


Plus, isn’t it against the CoC to have more than 3 accounts? :thinking: So if someone is genuinely making account after account to harass you, I’m sure blizz will handle it with an IP ban or something.

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it’s against the EULA to have more than three accounts that have BNET balance on them.

you can have infinite amounts of bnet accounts if none of them have bnet balance on them

Wasn’t there a blue post clarification in here earlier that showcased them stating 3?

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