Can we ask for more privacy features in forums to feel more secure?

It would be nice if Blizzard didn’t also limit the amount of flags people get a day. I can understand why they want to ‘limit’ frivolous flags but that should come only if they actually get the forums in a decent spot first.


Thank you for the advice, but the fact I have to do that is ridiculous.
If I said “I agree with Nelfas” and reading the my entirety of the post saying to stay on topic some would think I was talking about… dun dun, THE TOPIC, not something she said 3 years ago or some deleted post I never saw.


People get heated over this topic. It feels like a war zone sometimes. Stay safe out there.


i think becky nailed it. its the fact nelfas said something and
i think when the worgen posted the link (before u replied) then it kinda
shifted focus there and you got into the mix bc ppl were on that.

that said, as someone from the main acc wide topic and has been thru some stuff
this has to be the worst ever seen the forum over the b-tag / privacy / acc wide thing
its out of control.

i myself am just going to pull back bc i actually like some of the pro-taggers and theres a lot of passionate ppl on both sides its draining lol. i want acc wide ignores or w/e. im getitng sick of this nonsense tho for real.


If you don’t agree with what she said 3 years ago, then you would completely understand why people are not hot on OP’s idea to be fully anon here since being anon will enable more of what happened 3 years ago.


I wish we could just have downvotes back. Some people do use the flags as downvotes which is why there is a limit on flags, which is kind of fustrating for those of us who try and do the right thing. Although I know I am far from perfect myself, but I do tend to try and do the right thing at times.


No, I don’t agree with killing people.
Yes, I agree with more privacy features.

Guess I’m the OP’s wife out of all that.


BattleTags would be an actual privacy feature. Anonymous posting, as proven by the OP, would only cause an increase in chaos.


I guess you missed where I said account wide ignores were also fine. Too busy making up and cherry picking posts to see it but par the course here.


I don’t know how much this has to do with the topic at hand but there needs to be a cooldown when switching posting characters. I posted on my lovely dwarf Delfino and liked a post. Then I switched back to this character and could like the same post (not that I did). There should be some type of cooldown be it 24hrs or 7 days before you can switch characters again.

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im not sure why people keep saying this: adding btags gives anyone who views the forums access to a new avenue to contact our account.

and you don’t need to have a wow sub in order to read the wow forums, only need one to post.

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ive brought this up before and no one liked the suggestion of being
able to switch characters on a cooldown lol. i suggested a lot of stuff
but most fall back into btags so eh.

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If they don’t have a sub, how will they contact you in game?


Then you shouldn’t agree with OP then.

They demonstrated having Anon would be a bad idea.

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You do realize that in all of those scenarios (1 - 4), you do not necessarily need to be posting from those characters. You can just as easily give a character name/server for people to look up from a source site to check out a xmog, check rio, pvp rating, etc. While at face value, you are correct, it’d be nice to be able to, unfortunately, it opens the door for people to sock puppet. I am sure people will have no problem copy and pasting someone’s name into armory or any other resource page in lieu of potentially being exposed to antagonistic posters appearing under numerous aliases.

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With magic :dracthyr_hehe_animated:


Because, people don’t respect your post. Due to the fact they are generally just wrong.

And when it is explained to you why you are wrong you deny, deflect or avoid the answers. And play the victim by saying I don’t feel safe. You don’t want a discussion.


So because OP said something dumb years ago, I shouldn’t agree with a completely new thing they’re talking about now…? Oh wait, you’re the guy who slanders everyone on Twitter and Discord groups. I really don’t care what you have to say now lmfao.

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As has been suggested in the past, Blizzard can easily just blur or exclude a portion of the btag; i.e. chri*****-**** or chr******-**12.

Frankly speaking, I think it’s good that I can assess the value of someone’s opinion by being able to check their character/account progress. Nothing makes me laugh more when people have extremely strong opinions about content they don’t do.

Please give me more ways to invalidate uninformed opinions. :smiley: