Can we ask for more privacy features in forums to feel more secure?

i dont see any issues with people who support the enhanced privacy features for the wow forums.

i think they are very nice people.

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Trust me, I know the moderation is quite frustrating, and sometimes, it does feel like they are against you, but what has made it harder on them is that we all seem to engage with the post that get reported, and it makes it harder on moderation to deal with everything, as they have stated multiple times. After all, just like you and me, they are humans at the end of the day, and they have a lot of of areas to cover.

The spider thread where somebody said their the darkness of dank?


:clown_face: You dropped this.

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i’m sorry could you please explain? i don’t understand what you mean by this

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She said it to me. She told me that being told to off myself is an opinion and that I’m rude for blocking them. She also told me to provide proof, which I did (and it was flagged for being inappropriate) and she STILL called me a liar, claiming it was photoshopped.

Even if you’re on opposite sides of the fence, calling someone a liar when they talk about their experience with abuse is just a crappy thing to do. I get having some level of skeptism, but damn.


I’m starting to see part of the issue. I can’t remember a thread deleted before this one but the post I am talking about is one that was 3 years old and something about death and American’s. I honestly can’t remember the entire comment because I had no interest in it. So, I’m not sure if people thinking I’m agreeing to some deleted post I never posted in or the death one. I’m confused but I just want the accusations to stop.


i think the best is for everyone to just remember that every one is entitled to their opinion and we should always respect those opinions.

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You are absolutely despicable for even entertaining the thought of defending that behavior.


I have NEVER done this. What the hell?

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Nelfas has said some really out there stuff. You got lumped into it because you said you agreed with them.

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And I shouldn’t have to ignore 10 different characters from a single person that says objectively horrible things and still be unsure if I’m dealing with them in case they make a new character.


No, there are opinions that should absolutely not be respected. For example racism and genocide. Absolutely not.


Woof. God forbid I don’t know the status of every forum person here. If you agree or disagree you get put out with them. That’s kinda odd…these forums are odd.



These threads are always so spicey.


Next time just say you agree with an idea, not the poster. Save yourself some grief. :grin:



Throws a bunch of screws and a screwdriver. :screwdriver:

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Or, the one more commonly shared on the forums: 2+2=5.

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So, you’re saying we should respect those who engage in harassment, hate speech, racism, real-life threats and toxicity? Because that is not something I will ever respect, and that is always something I will always report.


there is nothing wrong with saying i agree with nelfas.