Don’t forget about the “I don’t have to answer anything I’m not comfortable answering”.
While that’s true, if you just avoid answering all of the points that people make because they prove you wrong, then claiming you want to “have a discussion” is meaningless.
Further, choosing to display only your battletag would reduce avenues of contact. If the only thing you display is your battletag, then that’s the only way they have to contact you. They wouldn’t know what any of your characters are or what servers to look for.
They could also add a way to block BattleTag requests. So you could turn it on when you’re expecting someone to become your friend, and then turn it off the rest of the time. That is if you really cared about enhancing privacy instead of paying lip service like Nelfas and friends.
So again, BattleTags would enhance security. Anonymous posting is like the exact opposite of security.
If all characters are connected, including likes, flags, posts, etc. there wouldn’t be any issue with constantly changing characters.
With the current system, I can see what you mean. It would help curb sockpuppeting to a degree. I just wish they would do a complete overhaul because this character=account system just ain’t it.
Anonymous posting ONLY gives security to those who wish to harm others and get away with it.
btags do not enhance security, it gives everyone who has access to view the forums (which is everyone on the internet since you dont need a paid subscription to view the forums) an extra way to contact a person’s in-game account.
Don’t forget I offered them 5 million gold if they could message me via Battlenet, even giving them my battle tag. They wouldn’t even need to say anything that would get them in trouble but they haven’t even been able to do that. So as it stands, they don’t care about their own argument aside from keeping this troll bait going.
That’s why you can include part of the first portion and x out part of the numeric. Problem solved. Unless you are claiming there are so many bananas out there that we will have some with the same first and last portion of their btags.