Can we ask for more privacy features in forums to feel more secure?

If the forums allow such things, maybe it is.

Doesn’t seem to do anything, because in Blizzards exact words, not enough people flagged the posts or they got deleted for being in a ‘reply chain’ therefore no action got taken.

It hurts more to do nothing as they continue on honestly, that’s how I feel. I appreciate you trying to help, but honestly I can’t help but get a bit upset every time I see someone quoting them and supporting them.

I think your wearing the foil hat a little to tightly there mate.

Disagreeing with you doesn’t mean their part of some discord or twitter group. All the Discords i’ve been in, nothing to do with Btags at all. And the only group i will religiously follow is PC Master Race.


It was a topic dredged up 3 years ago and the only way we were able to see that comment was because the mod forgot to delete the person who quoted it. It’s bad but I still agree to anon partial or full, that does not make me in association with the OP because I agree with SOME of what she’s suggestion. If you can’t get that then do not bother replying to me since you’re just trying to argue and pin me as something I am not.

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I approve this post.

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Do you have any proof of this? Because if not, that’s one heck of accusation to make.


The irony of that post above me.


I think both of you misjudged. You said you agreed with Nelfas. They assumed you meant you agreed all their ideas. You obviously don’t agree with all of them. Mistakes on both sides.

That’s how I see it.


Seeing someone levy threats of that nature to someone else is vile. I don’t care that it happened on twitter, I wish Blizzard would take action. That type of vileness should not be welcomed here.

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What I am saying is just don’t engage with them. Yes, I have flagged a lot of post of people promoting hate speech, including towards Bari and Storm when they did what they did the other day. But I am only one person, and not multiple people. And most of the LGBTQIA+ community aren’t as focused on the forums as I am. I am just simply stating, just report, and move on. Let moderation deal with them, even if it is just one report. One report is all that is needed.

Vrak said it at best… (Sorry bro)

That it alone, i think it would be best to fix the vileness on the forums first.

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Yeah and I wish that wasn’t their stance, I’d rather not have that type of behavior be in our communities.

See? More excuses. Also, the whole “thinks ignoring someone is worse than death threats” came from this year. But hey, keep making excuses for Nelfas while demanding that we do things that you have no intention of ever following through on your side.

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You wouldn’t want that. Esp considering some folks here use flags as dislikes. (Something i wish both Twitter/Forums still have without the hidden function thingy)

I will simply say this, if you find anything on twitter that breaks the rules, simply report it. Or just ignore it.

What one person says on one website (because it allows swearing) isn’t actually an indication of what their like on here.

Or Forums to Ingame either.

It would be like firing somebody for being raunchy and disgusting at home, but clean and filtered at work. Maybe the reason why their clean and filtered because it’s required?

That way this was even set up doesn’t make sense so I still do not know what she got out of it. I don’t recall seeing the post of the threats until after the fact. So yeah, Vrak already said enough of the accusations so now I want to talk to him with this.

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I wish it was enough, but often that doesn’t seem to hold water. Especially if reply chains get deleted, and mods miss a lot like it has happened to others. But this isn’t really the place to discuss it in depth I guess.

The problem is that Kaïne is perfectly fine with making us keep each other in check, but cries to a moderator when they’re asked to do the same thing.


I could have sworn it was a 3 year old post.

Did they really do that? :no_mouth:

The 3 year old post is the really vile stuff. One of the earlier threads on anonymous posting has the “ignore is worse than death threats” post.

It was in the thread that was deleted before this one.