Can we ask for more privacy features in forums to feel more secure?

Well people discuss WoW in other platforms such as wowhead, mmochampion etc. yet nobody is checking their profiles because to validate their "mythic+ experience, nothing is attached to it.

Same here, you do not need to check posters profile to validate his opinion about something.


if someone is spouting non-sense then yes i will check if they know what they’re talking about or not

why would i believe a random persons claims on the internet?

and why are YOU so scared of your “privacy” if you care that much then clearly youre too fragile for internet access to begin with when there’s already than enough safety features for blizzard related things


For there to be a discussion, you need to answer questions set by the other side. You ignore, misdirect and evade instead of having a real discussion.

Anonymous posting will turn this forum into a cesspool of insults, bullying, harassment and threats. It will become useless.


i have never done this and never have i made ppl look like horrible ppl…i barely even seen u post. some of u guys treated me horribly over the fact i was a dk before all that.

but if YOU and the 4 other ppl who liked your post that i never seen talk before feel that way then im sorry


Can’t agree with this part of your post. They really want anonymous posting so that they can say anything without it being tied to their posting toon or to be called out for not having the experience to state something. Their request has nothing to do with “Safety and Security” as they have stated.

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Not just bad. Purely Satanic (Deviled) as a matter of fact.

That’s what ignore and reporting is for, and the internet is quite huge, the Blizzard forums are not the only forums or outlet.

You may as well be anonymous already. You are posting on a throw-away account. There is nothing on it; almost no pets or mounts, and your pvp level is 1.

And you’re in the same boat. Both of your accounts have literally seen more playtime on the forums than in-game.


No such thing. It either/or.


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Thanks, Liolang. I wish you good luck in the forum posts to come.

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There is no such thing as Armory or Post Stalking. How many times does this has to be explained to you.

Yeah, so you can say nasty stuff about people and make self harm messages against people, like you have done in the past. As I said, you can peal the skin off an orange, it is going to still be an orange.


For anyone wondering about the phrase, “you can peal the skin off the orange, it is still going to be an oranege,” it is another way of saying, “no matter how much you twist your reasons around, you can never hide from the full truth.”

Also Vrak, for the first time, I actually disagree with you allowing another topic on this. As much as everyone does have the right to their own opinions, when the OP is adding in stuff such as “profile stalking,” this is why these topics get badly heated. I know all of us have to respect your decision at the end of the day, but I feel like this decision by you was the wrong one to allow another topic like this by the same person.


What you consider cowarda

It is a good thing to be able to hold someone accountable for their actions and words from a community stand point. Perhaps someone is a toxic person and out of nowhere they start claiming that they they never said or did certain actions. Well, now we have proof of what was said.

Maybe, someone is claiming that you said something and you actually did not. We as a community have the ability to verify such information as well. Which of course would exonerate you from those false claims.


To prevent alt-hopping.

To verify you have some experience with what you’re discussing.

Just look at Nelfas’s posting history. That’s the stuff they want to keep hidden, so people don’t know the views they hold.


Enhance Privacy? Isn’t that like Alternative Facts or Enhanced Interrogation Techniques?


It stops being your business when you direct it at someone else. Remember the adage that if you wouldn’t tell it to someone’s face, you shouldn’t be saying it online. Anonymity on the internet is the problem, not the solution.


Lol so? Whether I post my battletag here or Twitter, the result remains the same: nothing happens.


If only more folks would adhere to this.


It is not a thing. There is no such thing as armory stalking. You can not stalk what is made available to the public to see. Like, you seriously know what stalking really is, don’t you? Do you ever think about all those who actually has been stalked before making such comments of “armory stalking?” Do you see Blizzard making comments of you “stalking” the armories, since they technically own the armories, and yes, also own your character?

Oh yeah, so you think the community should ignore the death threats and toxicity you’ve made towards others?

Good idea, how about I start with this post:

I mean hey, if you think me commenting in this thread is “policing” the forums, then sounds like a you problem. Anyways, here is the report.

:100: And I think Blizzard would never really look at going full anonymity within the forums, due to the increase toxicity it can cause.


I meant that he is not responsible for what i say.

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So you are okay with pushing self harm on people? Not a good light to be under. You are pushing anonymous posting because you don’t want to be taken to task about what you say. A lot of the problems here are because people run their mouths and say vile things and not get called for it. You have to bring these thing to the open.

Since Blizz won’t allow callouts (which at times I find a stupid policy), there are other avenues.