Can we ask for more privacy features in forums to feel more secure?

When they have done it to people in the past, the light wasn’t good to be under in the first place.

We have a very limited limited amount of flags per day. Anonymous posting would create a cesspool and require 100’s of flags per day to deal with it.


it is already explained in my first post guys. What is partly anonymous posting/ hide my name feature. It is not fully anonymous posting.

I invite you to read first post. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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There is NO SUCH thing, either you have it or you don’t.


You do know that is what fully anonymous posting is. Hiding your name. Can’t be partly.

Who is the “he” that you’re talking about, hmmm? :thinking:


You told someone to go to the electric chair


All this is asking for is for people to not be held responsible by the community for the statements and actions that they make.

If you were asking for something like a unique forum tag with a searchable post history and not connected directly with the players in game characters to avoid any “harmful” messages in game from any people that may come from the forums. I personally could get behind it.

But as long as your idea is boils down to, people get to say what they want and no one should ever be able to hold it against them, because it might make them feel bad about themselves. I’ll continue to argue against it.

There are social standards to be followed in every society and community and even though it is your right to break from those standards, it is not your right to avoid the consequences of doing so.


Let us look at the definition of fully and partially anonymous posting.

According to the AI tool:

" Partial and total anonymous posting refer to the degrees of anonymity provided to users when they publish content online, typically on forums, social media platforms, or comment sections of websites.

  1. Partial Anonymous Posting: In partial anonymous posting, the user’s identity is hidden from the public and other users, but not from the administrators of the website or platform. This means that while other users cannot see who made the post, the administrators have access to the user’s identity and other associated data. This is common in situations where user accountability is necessary to prevent abuse while still protecting user privacy from the public.
  2. Total Anonymous Posting: Total anonymous posting provides complete anonymity. Here, the user’s identity is hidden from both the public and the administrators of the platform. This level of anonymity is harder to achieve as it requires the platform to not collect or store any identifying information about its users. Total anonymous posting is often used in sensitive contexts, such as whistleblower platforms or services designed to protect user privacy under all circumstances.

Each type of anonymous posting has its benefits and drawbacks, often balancing user privacy with accountability and the potential for abuse."

The reason I bring this up is the OP wishes to hide their name from our view, which is a partial form… however the way the forum software works is there can only be total from my understanding of how the software works.

Additionally around here, partial anonymous with hiding the name would harm the forums regarding that some people will be able to spew forth whatever they want to towards others.

There are many LGBTQIA+ members within the forum, and they even have their own forum section. That particular section would most likely be flooded with horrible anonymous trolling.


This is sort of what we have currently, because truthfully, we’re are posting partially anonymous, in use of fantasy characters rather than our real identity. This is what Blizzard wanted to try with a while back with RealID forum fiasco, but we all backfired against that idea, within good reasons too.


It is, but you can also be held accountable for what you say, like when you said people should be sent to the electric chair.

We get it, you want to be able to post anonymously so people won’t ever be able to trace those types of comments back to you. You don’t want people to know some of the horrible things you’ve said in the past.

You’ve said we should focus on the content of the message, not the name of the person posting it. Ok, let’s do that. How good of a message is advocating for sending people to the electric chair?


You should make sure to stick to the topic at hand and contribute to the discussion. Otherwise, it’s the equivalent to a bump post, which can be frowned upon.


At least a couple of the people siding with OP have been responsible for harassing LGBTQIA+ members, including going into the thread you mentioned specifically to start trouble. Amazing coincidence, eh?


Ah I appear to be out of likes.

The OP in that regard wants to push it even further and, the question is now, if it were implemented how would blocking work if it’s by name? I’m not quite sure how anonymous posting and blocking works with the current software.

Oh dear that will not do at all.


Or when she said someone telling me to off myself is an OPINION and that I am rude for blocking them.


What part of me breaking down multiple various parts of your post at the beginning, middle, and end gave you the impression I didn’t read your entire post? :thinking:


that’s why I updated whole post and explained what i mean.

it would not be fully anonymous, just bit more privacy for people who would like not to share their character name and armory.

We have it now, but now fully working.

So, to verify. You want people to post and have no accountability for their words and actions by the community.


:dracthyr_a1: :dracthyr_tea:


Expecting privacy in a public venue… especially when you run your mouth. Not gonna happen. Some people NEED to be ridiculed, and called out for their nonsense. It brings attention how vile and dangerous some people are.


It was pretty obvious when they were also the one to call someone’s story fake when that someone explained how they experience harassment through anonymity posting.