Can we ask for more privacy features in forums to feel more secure?


if you post about your “insane knowledge and experience of mythic+”

i should be able to fact check you to prove that you’re incorrect

just because you want to troll and not face repercussions for it doesn’t mean they need to add features for you to accomplish that


“Y” being telling people to kill themselves and “they should be sent to the electric chair”.

Not something to sweep under the rug


But you’re very quick to agree with bad faith arguments and known trolls when it fits your agenda. The hypocrisy from you is sickening. Here I thought you at least had a shred of dignity.


You guys are the ones saying that anonymous posting will magically fix everything and make everyone post in harmony.

Anonymous posting is a Slip 'N Slide to hell and it doesn’t even have the benefit of good intentions.


I will say again: anonymous posting would actually make me feel more unsafe than I already do, given the current workings of these forums!

What I would instead like to see, is either:

  • Battletags, as with all other Blizzard forums (with an optional toggle of showing character name/server as we do currently, in addition to it)
  • A unified forum account under a custom forum handle (again, with the optional toggle of showing character/server names)
  • Baring the above, at the very least an account-wide and properly functioning Ignore system

Due to past issues with stalkers in a prior game forum that also forcefully showed our character name and server (albeit without such tools as CheckPvP to find attached alts), I currently do not feel safe with the WoW forums’ setup as it is now. :sob: It is why I use what little anonymity options we have to avoid providing access to my main or alts to the less savory sorts of people who might benefit from such easily-accessible information - which, in this case, is using a Classic alt wholly detached from my account. Until one of the above options are provided, I do not really feel safe posting from my main or any of my retail alts!

The current ability to use individual characters as a means to bypass ignores, provide additional comments and likes, and generally use as throwaway sockpuppet accounts for the purposes of harassment or trolling, would also be either solved entirely or at least mitigated by the options I listed above.

Anonymous posting would make the problems this forum has with such things, even worse.


“We have met the enemy and he is us”, Pogo.


It sounds like the safest option is to simply not play.

I urge you to read the entirety of my post, please!

I do not want anonymous posting. I simply do not want character names and servers attached, and do not want the forums to treat our individual characters as ‘separate’ forum accounts.

Having been stalked by someone who could not take no for an answer, all because I liked to share screenshots of my character in a ‘show your character’ thread, I personally have grown to loathe any sort of information which unsavory people could trace you with. Be it in-game or IRL. :sob: I do not think these people existing should act as such a hard prevention from discussing a game I love, however!

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I’m sorry, but you have made sweeping generalizations about the people who you disagree with on the topic of account wide ignores. I’ve felt like you’ve included all of us as terrible people. Perhaps you’ve stopped that and apologized, if so I missed that.


and we have an option to ignore currently too…but you told us above we shouldnt be ignoring anyone, period.
Im for you asking to hide your armory, then you tell ME I have to not use ignore when I choose to.

i find that to be a tad bit of hypocrisy for reasons already stated

It seems obvious you dont see your own duplicitous thought process here in this.
You want to hide YOUR armory for a reason, then you tell us to not use the ignore when WE find reason to do so.

You’re posting with a classic toon. You’re unstalkable with this already.

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:point_up: :point_up: :point_up:
BOOM, there it is.
The worst thing to do to someone who wants attention is turn the attention button off.
And you get some peace of mind in the process.

and at this point, I think Im done even reading this thread to see if any sense can be made of it. I cant find any so I dont see any more point in wasting the time.


Again, I urge full reading of my original post, please!

I would prefer not to use a Classic alt. They do not have a good reputation - for understandable reasons - and I would rather ‘show off’ the mogs of my main. :sob: But, without a unified forum handle or Battletags, I do not feel comfortable using my main or alts due to the ease of access more unsavory sorts have to stalk with.

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Blizzard already did a lot of for safety and privacy features. Asking a bit more to enchance privacy is not a crime.

If this could help a lot of players, so why not.

Death threats on the other hand…


Our forum accounts should 100% be Bnet or WoW account based instead of individual characters. For example, I just server transferred my main and lost all my forum activity history because it counts as a different character now >.<


I’m reading through this thing and I keep seeing, “safe,” “unsafe,” “safe,” “unsafe,” etc.

Like…what are you people talking about, it’s a video game forum lol.


if you post about your “insane knowledge and experience of mythic+”

i should be able to fact check you to prove that you’re incorrect

just because you want to troll and not face repercussions for it doesn’t mean they need to add features for you to accomplish that


Then I will be able to ignore you. With that all I have to do is look for other hidden posts to see what character you used to to post anonymously. You gain nothing with this, waste of Blizzard resources.

Blizzard has given us the ability to ignore, I will use it. Ignores are not admin rights