Can we ask for more privacy features in forums to feel more secure?


This old wolf doesn’t play over watch so not the slightest clue.

Yeah, you’re asking for 100% anonymous posting while saying you’re not asking for 100% anonymous posting.

And again, this has been explained to you but you refuse to listen so let me explain it again.

Streamer mode was added to Overwatch for STREAMERS who are streaming the game. They did this so their viewers could not stream snipe them.

It does not exist on the forum.


First of all, Blizzard did it to protect against stream sniping. Nothing to do with privacy.
Second of all, no matter how much you twist it around, we all know the full reason to why you want to fully hide yourself, giving by your history. You can try and peal the skin off an orange, it will still be an orange.


I get the feeling if the forum was ran your way we’d all be worse off.

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Yes, stopping people from hiding when they say vile things such as telling people to off themselves and wishing death on others is so much worse than NOT having that.

Girl please :roll_eyes:


Pretty sure there’s good reason as to why players don’t have the power to pass admin “justice” over others.


Sweet, now i can’t play with my friends. :smiley:

Off topic from Dota 2, but…

Blizzard, why the most… silliest things with Overwatch? You had a good thing going and ya threw it over the hill thinking it can spurt wings and fly, only to faceplant on a bunch of catusues.

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Twisting things as always. No one wants to pass judgement or have admin powers.

If you can’t handle people knowing you said something, don’t say it. Your reputation is built on your own actions. If you have a crappy reputation, it’s your own fault.

If you can’t handle that, well, it’s your problem. You don’t get to be a vile human being and expect people to actually like you.

If you weren’t saying bad things to make people dislike you, there would be no issue with your name being associated with your words.

Stand by what you say and don’t hide like a coward. It’s really that simple.


Amen. :+1:

I don’t recall users having the rights to attempt to exclude others from the forum based upon a belief of popularity or being granted the power to publicly shame them otherwise.


i haven’t said anything really mean but ppl treat me like im terrible bc not wanting btags.
oh and the whole dk alt thing but does suck when u say an opinion and immediately called troll


If it was real life this would simply be called fact-checking. Do you think fact-checking in real life should be limited or just in a video game? If you make claims that you have XYZ achievement, have killed ABC boss(es) and can do Nth amount of dps but I can look up your raiderio, your wowprogress, and your warcraft logs and prove you are lying, why does that make me the bad guy? If a person in real life made claims about their education, background, or history and someone went to verify the information and found them lying, they would not be considered a bad person. I fail to understand how this is a bad thing.

Not sure how long you’ve been playing WoW or been using the forums but this place is wildly diverse in both the types of players and opinions players have. Currently just between you and I we have an entire black and white difference in opinion regarding this topic - that’s literally as diverse as it can get! And with more people come more varying levels of agree and disagree. It’s an absolute melting pot of diverse opinions.

You’re literally already doing that. You could be a 44 year old woman from Montana posting from you 150 acre horse ranch for all I know. You could be a 19 year old guy posting from your Army barracks room in Oklahoma. No one on these forums has any idea who you are. You are certainly not a level 10 night elf hunter in real life. You’re anonymous.

How are you able to know who stalks your profile, and much less repeatedly? If they are doing anything with this information you can block them on the forums, and if they are calling you out on the forums, that is against the rules too - report them and they will be actioned.

What is not against the rules is to make a rebuttal comment about something based on someone’s accomplishments. Example: You claim that mythic fyrakk is easy, or that frost mages using XYZ talents do the most damage, or that you have ABC amount of mounts. This simply goes back to the fact checking. Why am I the bad guy for proving that you are lying? Why do you get to decide that? If I can prove you’ve never killed mythic fyrakk, you were lying. (These are examples im not asserting you’ve said any of these things.)

You use a lot of buzzwords in your post that give a lot of insight into the type of person you are: You value a victim mentality. From what you’ve said you feel like you are entitled to having a double layer of anonymity in a video game, the first layer is apparently insufficient, and instead of arguing valid topics your immediate go-to is that you feel bad, or sad, or in this case unsafe. Your first layer of anonymity is completely intact and no real life person knows your real life name or identity or anything else about your real life, and yet you insist on being anonymous within an already anonymous game. I genuinely think if you feel like you need multiple overlapping layers of anonymity that perhaps this game isn’t for you. Not everything is meant for everyone.

Ultimately however I don’t actually think you care about any of this. I think this is a meticulously crafted bait thread that has maximum effort put into it.


This has been explained to you so many times. Any form of forum changes, whether it is through BattleTags, another form of account identifier, etc, does not automatically give anyone admin abilities. Only the moderation will have the power to deal with people, not anyone else here on the forums.

I don’t even get where your thinking we all of a sudden will be given admin powers for when any changes wouldn’t work like that.


If it isn’t trying to be admin it’s just needlessly badgering the OP.

You can say its not what you want but clearly what you’re trying to do here.

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Remember, this is ard we’re talking about here. According to him, the only reasons you could possibly find an idea he agrees with bad are:

  1. you hate the person, and/or hold a grudge
  2. reason 1, and you want to ban them from the forums
  3. you’re just a bad person who wants power over others

Once he’s approved of an idea, it is no longer possible for for you to arrive at any negative conclusion about that outcome for any reason not listed above.


When the discussion becomes more about tarring X for doing Y then there’s nothing to agree upon or discuss properly.

When have you ever accepted the possibility that I could arrive at the conclusion an idea you like is bad based purely on the merits of the idea?

You’re the one who’s been making the whole argument about the person saying the idea rather than what’s been said for 2 years now.


The whole suggestion is based off of very specific players behavior, do we just ignore everyone else’s and assume these fixes are magically going make everyone post in harmony?

As it is said the road to hell is paved with good intentions.

If anything, i want someone to have AN account they can post with. Turn off armory and achievements if you want. But that anonymous thing - no.

I get that theres a lot of jerks on the WoW forums. But either ignore them or dont post here. And you probably hurt them most by just ignoring them when they act obnoxious.


and blizzard can also add same feature in WoW forums for exactly same reason, repeated armory stalking, post stalking etc.

Well, this is not true. Exactly for more privacy such feature was implemented in-game.

My reasons are explained in first post. Somehow few people trying to twist those ideas full way around and derailing topic from it’s purpose.

it’s called “streamers” mode, but anyone are able to USE it as they will, not just “streamers”.

As in our forums it could be called Forum Avatar feature, where you can hide fully your armory and hide characters name with aliases from WoW.