Can we ask for more privacy features in forums to feel more secure?

Tumblr is another great example. People can send you anonymous messages and they often send very vile, cruel things because they are under the “anonymous” name. You also can’t report or block them because you don’t know who they are.

Just two or three months ago, my friend received a bunch of messages back to back from someone harassing her and she had to turn her messages off.


Apparently my phone does not want to handle Links at the moment but that’s pretty much where you toss in the Obi-Wan line of you will never find a more wretched Hive of scum and villainy.


sorry but i haven’t ever heard of this happening before.

do you have any sources that confirm this?

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Just because you haven’t heard of it happening, doesn’t mean it has never happened. There is thousands of cases where such behaviour has occured, a lot to do with anonymous posting.

EDIT: Actually, screw this.

Spamming or Trolling

This category includes:

  • Excessively communicating the same phrase, similar phrases, or pure gibberish
  • Creating threads for the sole purpose of causing unrest on the forums
  • Causing disturbances in forum threads, such as picking fights, making off topic posts that ruin the thread, insulting other posters
  • Making non-constructive posts
  • Abusing the Reported Post feature by sending false alarms or nonsensical messages
  • Numbering a thread, IBTL, TLDR, or any other fad statements

If a player is found to have participated in such actions, they will:

  • Be given a temporary or permanent ban from the forums, depending upon severity

I’m still reeling from how utterly ridiculous that was.

That is without a doubt the most lazily worded, half baked disclaimer to mature or explicit content hosted on a platform.

They could have done literally anything else. Have the end user input a valid DOB, nah. Forgo the anonymous thing and have people set up a centralized account? Nope. Have people check a box and do a capcha so that there is no chance that the disclaimer would be automated in such a way as to prevent the end user from actually seeing it? Nada.

Also including the bit about how you should read the rules “because it’s important” isn’t a very compelling reason in and of itself.

Though I’m not really sure what I expected from that place.

sorry but i havent seen any sources that confirm this

If you never heard of that happening, I have never heard of someone harassing me for my opinion on the forums. Congratulations, we solved the mystery, if you don’t see it it doesn’t exist, the logic of toddlers who have yet to develop object permanence.


Didn’t you say in an earlier post people was doing this to you and you was collecting screenshots of it?


You keep asking for a level of proof that you refuse to provide for your own assertions.

You claim that anonymous posting won’t cause any problems, yet you have steadfastly refused to elaborate on how this could possibly be, given, you know, the entirety of the internet as proof otherwise.


When you know some history, it starts to make more sense. Pre-section 230, under Cubby v. CompuServe, you were not liable for content hosted on your site if you didn’t moderate anything, however, under Stratton Oakmont v. Prodigy Services, you could be liable for user provided content you hosted if you do moderate (as that would amount to you taking editorial control, and becoming a publisher of the content).

Both of theses cases were superseded by Section 230 of the CDA when it was passed a few years after Stratton Oakmont (And yes, it is that Stratton Oakmont, from Wolf of Wall St.)


Thanks to the help of AI (or as some like to call it… “Skynet”), here’s some links for you to gander at.

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The plot thickens.

Without needing to make multiple accounts how exactly do you post anonymously on reddit? To my knowledge I am a able to look up a accounts posting history.

Now, if you’re referring to “throw away” accounts, your claims of reddit being anonymous seems to be a misnomer. Because every post on every single account can be looked up and the user held accountable by the community.


I don’t think there’s a way to hide your post history on site for reddit like there is for the wow forums (technically it’s there, but it’s not very effective), the profile settings for me only gave me the option to restrict search engine access to my profile.

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There is thousands of cases, unfortunately posting articles about people unaliving themselves because of such things is a bit too sensitive to be putting on the forums. Sorry, you just have to trust us. If you don’t believe us, look it up yourself. You use that argument all the time, right? To look up your non-existent proof instead of providing it? Except our proof does exist, we’re just not taking the bait of posting something that you can try and twist and use as something to report people with.


I just find it funny that one of the main reasons OP wants anonymous posting is to hide the armory. First, that has nothing to do with posting.

Second, no one cares what you’re wearing unless you’re doing end game content and, even then, most people will just give you advice on getting better gear.


So that way, you can call it fake when these sort of things has happened to someone. Yeah, remember when you called Jaesears story of a real-life threat made towards them fake.

You do not get to judge real events that has happened to people.

And FYI:

There has been significant media coverage of online harassment and trolling by anonymous account holders. The examples below highlight some prominent cases reported in the Australian media, however it is important to note that online abuse can, and does, impact anyone.

  • In 2020, Australian comedian Magda Szubanski experienced coordinated online abuse after appearing in a commercial encouraging people to wear masks to help contain the spread of COVID-19 – much of the abuse came from anonymous users.
  • TV presenter Erin Molan also publicly shared her experience of more than a decade of online abuse, including from fake and impersonator accounts.
  • There has been extensive media coverage on the spread of hate speech and misinformation on anonymous chatroom and message board sites.

And I dare you to call an Australian Government website “fake” too.


I linked some articles that are tame enough to place here. They can look at those.

At the present time, I feel as though we have provided enough information to them.

I feel that it’s time for them to provide information to us via resources for us to look at as to why it’s a grand idea to have the feature.

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Yeah they demanded proof after calling me a liar for sharing my story with anon abuse. I shared screenshots.

They said they were photoshopped and the post got flagged and removed for being inappropriate.


That’s what I thought. But I could be wrong.