Can we ask for more privacy features in forums to feel more secure?

They operate on assuming that everything they post is by definition correct.

Reddit has done a lot of crappy things, but… they’ve also solved a murder case and tracked down animal abusers, reporting their real identities to the proper authorities.

That’s not to say they haven’t also doxxed people just because they didn’t like their opinion. Ordering pizza for them and swatting are also quite common.

People on reddit are insane :dracthyr_lulmao: and people want that kind here on WoW.

That, and hypocrisy.

“Don’t dismiss this as a bad idea by expecting the worst in people. Meanwhile, let me dismiss a more widely accepted good idea as bad because I will use hyperbolic statements in expecting the worst from people.”


Also, Reddit uses usernames, which is precisely what Nelfas is against.


It took some digging, but I found the vac ban leader boards for steam.

This was pertaining to where if a player had a counter on their profile picture for the wow forum of how many players have them on ignore be displayed and why I said it was not the best of ideas.

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dont live here.
this place is a swamp of sorrows.

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I still remember that poor security guard… He didn’t do anything and they destroyed him.

There are people that thrive on attention and negative attention is the same as positive attention to them. I have even had a chat with a known problem player on WrA and MG who stated that making enemies is just like making friends to them, then they went on their Myspace Edgelord monologue about being an agent of chaos in Trade chat.

People are pretty awful and if there was a badge to say how many times you did something awful on someone’s page, you know all of the problem players will flock to it.


Security guard?

I would ask what happened, but something tells me you can’t discuss it here.

The basic gist, a security guard was at the wrong place and wrong time, The reddit hivemind went full on ape, and doxxed the poor guy, made his life a living hell, cost him his job, and set the feds on him. After the feds came in, they found out he wasn’t their guy and was completely innocent. I believe is was related to some terrorism nonsense.

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Doxxing is quite an issue there. Stay out of the current event and political subreddits, A lot of the gaming subreddits are just as bad.

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that sounds like more anonymity rather than less would help solve this issue, then.

Going full 4chan with anonymity will only make things worse. It’s like cutting off your leg because you stubbed your toe.


i don’t think it would cause any issues.

Didn’t you say they was anonymous?

Go to 4chan, then head to /b/. That’s what anonymity will get you. Some really vile stuff there… like really illegal stuff.

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Could you explain as to why you would think it wouldn’t cause any issues?

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The world isn’t sunshine and rainbows. Going full anonymous would absolutely make things worse. Any advantage would be massively outweighed by the negatives.


Even Reddit’s had to nuke multiple subreddits for hosting or facilitating illegal content.


It actually doesn’t, if you were paying any attention whatsoever, those problems are most prevalent on sites like 4chan and Reddit. The things that you said didn’t count, then later tried to use to support your argument.

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