Can we ask for more privacy features in forums to feel more secure?

twitch does not have anonymous streaming, though. so that conversation really isn’t relevant to this discussion.

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On the contrary, it is pertent to the current conversation due to human behavior.

The idea regarding anonymous posting is how people would or would not interact with various scenarios.

Pertaining to this

it does appear however the idea is frowned upon but more importantly, the subject of the title is “Can we ask for more privacy features in forums to feel more safe?” So… other items should be on the table to discuss.

but you have no evidence that twitch streamers counting their bans would translate into a forum with anonymous posting for two reasons:

  1. twitch is not anonymous, so it doesn’t apply here.
  2. twitch is a streaming medium, not a written forum, so it, again, does not apply to this conversation.
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According to you and the Op there is no acceptable example for comparison. Because “It’s not the WoW Forums.” It’s like talking to a wall


we have just explained why your comparisons are not relevant.

i have stated that reddit has anonymous posting and thrives as a written forum.

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There you go again gatekeeping and telling people what they can and cannot post.


Reddit isn’t the WoW Forums. Your comparison is irrelevant.


reddit is a forum, the wow forum is also a forum.

reddit has anonymous posting

we are currently discussing the effects of anonymous posting on a forum

reddit is relevant

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Reddit is also broken up into many subreddits, each with multiple moderators running them, along with various “bots” like automod to further help keep things in check.

And what the OP wants is to be even more anonymous than Reddit.


and reddit is currently thriving as an anonymous forum, so i see no reason why the wow forums wouldn’t also thrive with anonymity.

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The mods there would have IP banned anyone that start up started these shenanigans. They have a low tolerance for this kind of nonsense.


That would be close to 4chan


Ah but human behavior however is a case to be studies. They said twitch, however, I was thinking more of steam.

If I find articles pertaining to the discussion I’ll link them. I am preoccupied with doing raid currently so items could take quite some time to showcase.

But an in game overwatch feature, created to stop stream sniping, which has nothing to do with the forums…is relevant to this discussion?

reddit is not an anonymous forum.

you keep trying to pretend like it is.

This is why we cant have an actual discussion. The outright double standards and intentionally spreading misinformation.


What the OP wants is to be even more anonymous than Reddit. They don’t want their username to be shown at all. At least subreddits can put in age/karma requirements to help keep down sock-puppeting.


They know this. Their entire point is to keep moving the goal posts, deflecting, come up with new scenarios that dont apply.


Exactly, and the people there are quite able to track down posters and not afraid to dox you, they don’t have the same rules here. So if you are gonna stir up nonsense there, be prepared for the storm that will come.


Reddit isn’t a paid subscription model so again irrelevant.


You have to remember, these people don’t operate on human logic. They say no form of proof counts because it isn’t WoW forums with a subscription.

I say they should go back to reddit and 4chan so they can be torn apart by those moderation teams instead of wasting Blizzard’s time.


But as you and Nelfas have mentioned, reddit doesn’t require a paid subscription, so it can’t be remotely comparable. That example does not work.