Can we ask for more privacy features in forums to feel more secure?

Why is that?

Why do you think they switch alts all the time to post against forum improvements that can help with security, but engage in a thread like this one where problems can arise?



I think it is more of the individuals, and not so much of “sides.” I mean, I don’t think this is a soccer match…

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Ok, ok, we get it. You’re a pro-bad egg.

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The only reason why some of these people want Anonymous posting is to say vile things without it following them around (like telling people to commit self harm).


Moderation has often stated that everyone has had a hand in it.

To try putting it all on one side or select posters is disingenuous.

The inner workings of one’s mind can be quite perplexing. Regardless, back to the discussion at hand.

Also hello good chaps. I dozed off for quite some time and I do apologize for returning back to the subject matter at a later time.

People do tend to act independently however they do. I do have to say, however, there are quite a few posters that will not engage in meaningful conversation. It makes the discussion at hand quite… difficult… to peruse through to gather information.

Regardless. I believe that, as it stands, it is a reasonable conclusion that the forums, in its current capacity with technology and the userbase, would not be able to handle fully or partially anonymous posting.


It would require more genius than we can conjure among ourselves but it doesn’t make it a fundamentally bad idea, its only that when you assume the worst in everyone coming here.

Why it’s the internet. You never assume the best intention from random users.


While true these forums just don’t get that kind of heat very often.

If it was really bad we might see some change or they might even just shut down the whole thing for convenience sake, this isn’t the only source Blizzard uses to gather information for WoW.

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I habitually tend to assume the worst intentions in people and im trying to do better with that.

The only ones capable of making that determination are the mods themselves. They are the ones that handle the influx of reports and the like.

We may or may not it is hard to determine what Blizzard would do. However, users explaining their opinion on the subject matter at hand is a good tool for Blizzard to use in that assessment.

“The path to the maw is paved with good intentions.” This quotation usually has a different word, but I digress.

There’s also wolves in sheeps clothing like I mentioned earlier.

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That bit also reminds me of the line from game of thrones. When petyr balish talks about playing the game with Sansa. Some people are just legitimately awful, but sometimes it just feels yucky to accept that at face value. Some things just can’t be helped though, I suppose.

Interesting thoughts to muse over.

Bad idea, though. And, like it has been mentioned - if something like that were to happen, the chaos that would be likely to happen would Not be good for anything or anyone.


People put their profile on private now to make it harder for you to put them on ignore. You still can though.

It needs to be way easier and more accessible to place people on ignore. It should just be a giant button on their portrait.

Should also have a number on people’s portrait that shows how many people have ignored them.


I am in partial agreement with you.

This I agree on simply for ease of use.

This not so much. There are some people that take being banned as a trophy… some posters may turn that into a game of sorts.


This is true. There’s a bunch of people on twitch who have ban counters to keep track of how many times they’ve gotten themselves banned from the platform :sweat:

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That’s so sad if they actually do. But I can live without that feature.

Indeed. I am trying to find the article on it but I am having the hardest of time finding it.