Can we ask for more privacy features in forums to feel more secure?

I think they need to rework the flagging system.

Maybe putting a weekly cap on them or something.


I think they need to rework the moderation system, where the Mods are forced to delve into the context of WHY things were reported, instead of getting a single snapshot.


That’d create more work for them.

Which I suspect Blizzard is looking to make less of at this time.

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And since they aren’t willing to add more culpability to the system, we shouldn’t move towards systems where abuse is more likely to occur.

Like limiting account report caps or adding more anonymous posting.

And i don’t see any evidence not to support it. It could happen. People are people afterall and can act in different ways than anticipated.

Then unless there’s a major revamp to the CoC that covers more specific behaviors, I don’t see any alternative solution working for the forum since so many just fight for the sake of it.


There’s actually countless studies that show the negative casual link between human behavior and anonymity.


Which have been shared before and called fake.


Hm, sounds like those studies should be posted again.

If we are to have proper discussion, resources are of importance.


I mean, moving to limit reports from per character to per account would be a step. And maybe linking all your characters to a single posting identity.

I don’t support the Battletag push, because I don’t want people knowing my battle tag. But people being more easily able to click a button and see “Oh, this, this and this toon are also this guy” would be a good step.

I’ve been online since I was 12 years old and have used many different sites and forums. Never in my life have I found one that doesn’t use one singular username and let’s you use 100 different characters instead.

I don’t know what Blizzard was thinking.


They were thinking the right fix was using your realID, backtracked when they realized how bad that idea was and got so traumatized they decided it was better to just not try any fix.

See this is exactly what I meant above.

We’re under threat to not take this discussion in certain directions and if you look at the list there above I posted from the mods notes, this specific item is right there.
its impossible to have this discussion if we are gagged from talking about WHY we want changes and what behavior in here is causing us to want the change.

yeah…Im out.
Its not worth getting suspended even if the OP was told he was allowed to make a new thread.

Can any one answer this?

What is it you have to say, that requires anonymity?


The topic is regarding anonymous posting. Reporting issues would be, I would think, it’s own topic.

In other forums it’s usually info sensitive stories with a lot of back history that the original poster wants to keep private. For the wow forums I do not see that being a topic of discussion.


didnt you say that you’ve used anonymous forums before, though?

anonymous forums do not use a singular posting username; they use no username.

that is the definition of anonymous.

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One can still post anonymously with a username. It’s often an option to post that way.

The username is simply changed to anonymous.

i like that idea.

Could you go into detail as to why?

How would that benefit you?

that the mods are playing nice with this troll is disturbing