Can we ask for more privacy features in forums to feel more secure?

Daily reminder that you’re a hypocrite who has proven they will go out of their way to mock and harass another user with their public information when they disagree with you so you obviously only want this to be free of accountability.


Quite perplexing indeed.


Pineapple does not deserve to be on pizza.

Tacos are the BEST food in the world.

Cats are better than dogs.

Playstation is better than PC and xbox.

Fornite is a trash game.


See the mods don’t pick sides.

You don’t speak for them and they don’t support your views by dent of who you think should be tarred and feathered.

Stick to the topic.


For it to work all that background information like Btags, alts etc cannot be seen by us.

What defines call out may also have to be adjusted just to stop callouts and constant accusations.

As no one likes to be called or labeled a troll no matter the context.

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Generally the only people who complain about being called a troll are people who are, in fact, well known forum trolls.


How does calling anyone a troll do anything but incite more conflict?

It helps mark them for people who may be unfamiliar with their reputations they’ve earned with forum regulars.


That sounds like a form of callout.

That incites conflict.

It sounds like your actions have consequences and in a small community, word spreads.


Please keep it on topic.

That would be a different topic in itself.

Uhh Vrak or any mod who was watching earlier… isn’t dupe threads or similar topics against the Forum’s CoC or something?

I’m asking because i’m honestly kind of baffled how this got up to 4 threads in under just 18 days.


They were apparently given permission to make another thread.


Nothing to do with me.

I only bring it up is warrants changes to the CoC which may catch these kinds of prompts for conflict as none of us here are entitled to be our own vigilante group or movement.

They are supposed to be but it appears this is a one off case for whatever unknown reason due to permission given by Vrak in another thread.

But I digress. I would like to see, however, (since this is in topic with privacy features) where in my profile it does not list my locations. I know others cannot see it but that kind of information shouldn’t be saved.

Reason I say this is due to where if something were to happen with the forum software, someone would know my location. I would prefer that to be removed.


How many of these nonsense threads do we need


I meant the impersonal you, not the directed you. Apologies for that confusion.

Four… apparently.

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All good.

Miscommunication is easy over this type of media.

Aren’t we all…