Can we ask for more privacy features in forums to feel more secure?

How about… no.


The post that the OP copied that stuff into related to yet an earlier post of the same topic made a couple of weeks ago. So this current one has to be …what…No. 3? More? So they were told they could make that new post,which was closed 5 hours ago.

Moderation Note: No, they were told they could make this one.

Ah ok, my mistake, I backtracked to the earlier post which seemed to indicate that it related to yet an older one.

PS: I think its probably wise if I act on an earlier instinct and just vacate the post. Maybe go get that capuccino calling me and play the game.


The forums need less anonymity, not more. People use anonymity as a license to troll.


Vrak, were they allowed to put it into a context where opening up the way that will cause a bit of drama with accusations and name calling? I know you said that these sort of things aren’t productive, but just wondering is all…

Moderation Note: I’m only seeing general statements against that, and why they want the features they do, no direct call outs. I’ve removed everything else I saw. Let’s just let this one ride.

Leaving soon, everyone be nice.

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Another thread on this topic equals a mute from me and will be muting future of these threads from now on.

As Jaesears said, The cons of anon posting outweigh the positives.

There has been studies online that have been posted in these past threads by people who posted in those threads, there has been examples how anon posting could be bad posted in those threads, you also have someone here who was on a site where you can post anonymously and that anon told that individual to unsubscribe from life. Anonymous posting isn’t going to make the forums a better place, instead its just going to be a breeding ground of toxicity because people that can post anonymously can say whatever they want with zero repercussion, you can say that there are rules around here and mods will enforce them all you want but that Anon doesn’t care about the rules and just wants to be troll, a douchebag or hateful.

Considering how these threads go, they arent productive, you see the camp for Anon posting saying Nuh uhs to anyone that disagrees with them and wont provide a counter argument beyond “Nuh uh”, you have both sides bickering etc. its part of the reason that I would be muting these Anon posting threads, unless they get better but till then they are muted.


People also check other people’s armory to determine if they’re just another sock in a long pattern of trolling and abusive behavior.

I’d like more transparency and less privacy.



Please Blizzard you need to do this.


The mods also historically protect the “Anons” and further enable their behavior, while punishing and persecuting the people who just want a healthy forum environment.


So what kind of topics want to be created with anon posting?

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i believe that implementing more features to enhance privacy on the forums would help people feel more comfortable about posting and engaging in a serious discussion.

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Regarding what topics?

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every topic.

Please, do not ask this. You do not want to know the answer to this.


I think it could work with some additional security features OP.


that’s a very good suggestion, the moderators already have rules in place - perhaps they could work on acting on reports sooner and penalizing those who abuse the report function.

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No, it would just let malefactor groups like the T-gang spread more hatred and disharmony.

Less privacy, more transparency.


I might. I’m curious.

So that would include off forum topics?

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i dont see any evidence to support that argument, though.

Because you’re just making things up to suit your rhetoric?