Can we ask for more privacy features in forums to feel more secure?

I’m not really a fan of alfredo, it just tastes weird to me for some reason.

Best game ever created don’t @ me :ok_hand:

“Jake… from state farm.”

Consider how many posts are added each day, along with how many posts are flagged. Each mod has their own life and probably another job. They probably have partners and kids. Even if they are getting paid, they cannot possibly sit through thousands of posts every single day.

I’m not sure how these people can’t understand that.

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They look at topics like this and see it’s a waste of time.


My extensive research shows the those that want Anonymous posting just want to post without getting clapped back. 4chan is a good example.


Probably because they want people to also post on specific characters. And the double connection of posting on a character, while also being tied to a bnet is additional work/money. So they are siding with letting people post on characters for now.

Because they wanted us to use our characters on these forums, which results in problems like sock-puppets and trust levels being character-server specific.

“It hasn’t been done yet so clearly it won’t ever happen because blizzard clearly has no other priorities than the forums.”

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Yes, please share with the class.

No? Okay…

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do you remember the Stormwind park? :upside_down_face: :scream: :neutral_face: :face_with_open_eyes_and_hand_over_mouth:

They couldn’t even run the 20th con this year.

I think they have bigger problems on their hands.

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idm the account wide deal, idm the btags (tho i don’t want it) but im not gonna explode n run away if it happens.
im just tired of trying the constant bickering and no other ideas gets heard.
im prolly ignored by 99% of ppl who want acc wides anyway so i just suggest to the void lol
but really im just tired of it all now…

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yeah, that’s…that’s a bummer. I say this knowing I wasn’t planning on going, though I like feeling the resonating vibes from the forums and in game when the 'Con was happening.

In other words, source from TrustMeBro since you won’t share your invisible research.


Which is why the argument of “why hasn’t it happened yet? clearly that means it won’t ever happen” is irrelevant.

Just because it hasn’t happened doesn’t mean it won’t. At the end of the day, none of us know what blizz is thinking unless they outright state it.

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That’s not how you spell Knights of the Old Republic.

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No one, not even Blizzard has to justify anything to you.

Even if it is to continue doing nothing with this forum.

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well thats the thing, no one knows what blizzards gonna do so we’re just fighting each other for nothing.

this is the 1st time in a while i seen the forums really just at it w/ each other and its too much.
we did better when t-squad was running the place and we tried to fight against him.
at the end of the day, most of us want the same thing, to be protected by trolls, it’s just we want to do it in different routes so is anyone really wrong here?

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Ardmccloud puts pineapple on pizza. I don’t have to justify anything, so you must accept this as true.


It goes a long ways towards establishing if someone is arguing for something in good faith or bad faith.

They seem to just be ignoring examples of how anonymity can lead to more trolls and abusive behavior as there are plenty of examples of that. I thought it was weird that they keep burying their head in the sand and repeating the exact same thing over and over. Maybe they are just really stubborn.

But now that we know that they’ve made some horrible posts in the past, you don’t think that context puts this discussion in a different light and might be the reason why they keep pushing so hard for this?


You’re right, I misspelled it. It’s actually The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim c:

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Figured I’d help you out. This thread is moving a million miles an hour at this point.