Can we ask for more privacy features in forums to feel more secure?

oh no, between this, a robust mythic+ argument, and disney and star wars, we can invoke the four horsemen of the forum apocalypse :scream:


That being the case we can accurately guess, that a forum improvement that isn’t going to net Blizzard money or players returning to play either Retail/Classic or even please Microsoft is going to have very low priority when they didn’t have enough ammunition to run the 20th Anniversary Con.

The thing is, the people advocating for anonymous posting are being toxic, rude and refusing to engage in conversation. They are clearly trolling and don’t care about the topic.

I’m sorry, but I’ll never trust someone who says death threats and being told to off yourself is just an opinion and you shouldn’t ignore them for that.

The OP has proven that she’s just here to cause problems and spread misinformation which is harmful to people.

So, yes, they are wrong for acting this way.


But it is Monday here…


Stop being in the future! :angry:


Didn’t you just say you don’t presume to know Blizzard’s business? And yet you are speaking from authority about their finances and what they can or can not afford?


It isn’t that I’m in the future, you’re just “lagging” behind.

You do know what a guess is right?

/steps back from the time traveler cautiously.

Hey, it’s not my fault I walk slow, okay. Slow and steady wins the race!

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Maybe you need to follow you own advice and keep quiet about what you do not know.

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You’re not forced to read it, so no.

Please stop spamming gifs. They bring nothing for this topic.

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Gosh, you sound a lot like my mum when life feels like a rush.

You two should team up!


Where did I say this? If you’re seriously going to make bad accusations like this then you should probably take a break from the forums. I’ve asked several times where I agreed to this only for:


I get overwhelmed easily, I like the “go with the flow” relaxed lifestyle c: If you’re rushing, you can’t stop to smell the cherry blossoms!

Awwww that’s so cute!

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Not up to you.


I actually do go with the flow, but sometimes, you got to rush for things, especially if you have to travel to do things. Leaving early will still require rushing because traffic is a nightmare here.