Can we ask for more privacy features in forums to feel more secure?

Someday you’re going to have to ask where crusading against specific posters, who you think haven’t been punished enough by the rules actually gets you.

In either case these discussions will never end, as the OP has every right to post their suggestion for forum changes and there isn’t any one idea that trumps all others.

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No one is going to bother talking to you when you want to paint people in a horrible light.


I was speaking generally. My character, for example, isn’t connected to my account. I post on it because my mains can’t post links and stuff.

Hello Marduk, two can play at this game of whatever it is.

“Just because it happened on every single other anonymous platform doesn’t mean it will happen here. This is the wow forums, please stay on topic.”



Just look how unhinged this thread became with people who are already, for the most part, anonymous! Imagine the whole forum like this!

I’m going to bow out of this topic since it’s clearly upsetting a few people that I’m allowed to have an opinion. Here’s to account-wide ignore and a system like b-tags on the forums.


That’s Marduk? Holy.

I mean, they’re not the only one judging a few people in this thread. I’m one of them, but I’m mostly just speechless watching this chaos unfold.


I remember seeing an actual 4chan story on one of the fox news clones on tv. They were talking about how anonymous people send anonymous hate raids and stuff.

Then some guy who self appointed themselves as the representative of anonymous uploads this YouTube video and tries to grill the news anchor about that concept.

It was absolutely bonkers. But the concept is the same. We wear masks because we don’t want to be rude or hurtful. If you remove that mask, you are removing that social buffer that gives people the ability to self moderate.

If you are standing on that hill demanding that everyone should cast aside their masks and be anon because it’s somehow better for everyone, I don’t think they’re a good person.

Please stay on topic. I know how much derailing messes with some people. The people that want to stay on topic are right.

We need to strive to only talk about fully anon posting. Its benefits, and its drawbacks.

So far, in your list of things it can all be covered by using our current system. Do you have anything specific to add that fully anon posting would bring to the table not currently covered by our system in place?


Idk maybe? I just wanted to call him something since they called me something lol

Don’t let it get you down :people_hugging: If you were agreeing with them, they wouldn’t care that you’re voicing your opinion despite being “Green” lol

Take care <3


This would lead to complete chaos in the forums, ridiculous harassment, insulting, bullying and threats of death. It would completely overload the moderation team.


I never said the OP doesn’t have any right to post there suggestions, all I said:

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Brah, you complained about them not answering your question, and then you later on to turn around and say “Discussion doesn’t require you to answer questions.”

Yet, OP and others that supported OP of accusing people of a crime, that being stalking, (Looking at websites and account usernames isn’t stalking lol) is perfectly fine with you. :thinking:


are you currently limiting what you type based on your understanding of the lack of anonymity and a concern that what you write may be used against you later?

I think having some context is important to add weight to someone’s argument. Much of the forums can be taken at face value, I agree, and we don’t need much - if any - background info on the poster. But if we scan GD we can see evidence of posters calling for nerfs to content or classes or trying to prop up their arguments with experience, it helps to know where they’re coming from. To that effect, I agree, it shouldn’t be used to lord over them.

I generally disagree that a man’s word decays over time. We do change, and it’s also important to be sensitive to folks’ changing over time, but either decisions matter or they don’t.

At any rate, thank you for the response.

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No it wouldn’t. The moderation team would just ban those posters. lol

The fact that you can’t just admit you replied to the wrong post with a general comment and instead are doubling down on this argument is just confusing.

Just admit you screwed up? I don’t get why that’s so hard for you to do.

Which is against the CoC. It’s hilarious because they keep pointing out stuff being against the rules and telling us not to do it, but accusing people of stalking you is also against the CoC, especially when it’s false.


I already explained and expanded what i meant with those two suggestions. But somehow it seems people do not even read first post.

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