Can we ask for more privacy features in forums to feel more secure?

Doing just this causes the thread to be closed.

No one can claim the moral high ground once accusations fly, and fingers are pointed.

This “mask off” thing has been a consistent observation for 20+ years now. There’s a 20 year old Penny Arcade comic that I won’t link to that outlines this exact behavior. Yet the OP is acting like it will be totally different this time, because reasons.

And also, considering what the OP is already comfortable with our already mostly anonymous posting, I can’t even imagine how horrible they’d be if we actually did have fully anonymous posting.


No armory pulls of my alts, no people searching for my toon because they’re mad I said something they did not like in a topic. No stalking. No searching back posts I said x years ago that has nothing to do with my current discussion. Full 100% Anon please. I know this isn’t enough for you people who NEED my b-tag but that’s what I’d like.

That’s what I thought, I’d ignore someone too if they caught me fibbing.

They don’t at all. They think that they can tell others how to post, what to post, what not to post…yet they’ve added literally nothing to the actual topic. In fact, I appreciate their support as their posts are further proof of why a better system is needed.


Funny how you’re just doing it right now…

I’ve been posting on this character for nearly 20 years now across the various WoW forums we’ve had and I’ve never had these problems. Sounds very much like a “you” problem.


All of this is able to be prevented using the current system.

If it was that important to you, you can absolutely post in such a way.

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It’s not your place to hold a poster accountable for anything, that’s a mods job. I know it’s a hard pill to swallow but we don’t have vigilante justice on this forum. The most you can do is report, unless you plan to harass posters but then you’d be liable for a vacation as well.

Then why do we need b-tags?

Easy - this is a trial US-account just for posting here :wink:
Like to see one of my “real” chars? Midormi - EU-Aman’thul

Please do not derail the topic.

This is about anon posting. I know how painful it is for you when people derail the topic.


Trust level isn’t account wide.

It’s funny because they are the ones demanding proof about why anonymous posting is bad, but when given proof, they call us liars and say the proof is fake.

However, when we ask them to provide proof why anonymous posting is good, they just say it’s not their problem or to ask the OP.


So we don’t need b-tags or full anon and you agree that the current system is fine.
Alright, thanks for your input.

They’ve got 38 posts, trust level isn’t part of this discussion here. lol

Believe it or not, discussion is two-way communication. If someone refuses to answer or elaborate or hold any part of their own side of the discussion, then it isn’t a discussion, is it? This is even more important when the discussion is meant to be a persuasive argument to support or denying something. There is usually a reason why politicians and even blizzard get negative feedback when they cherry pick which questions they choose to answer.


Also, Hello Kiper, don’t know why your on another alt, but welcome back to the ignore list.


I didnt give an opinion on b-tags in this topic. Its not the topic of this thread. And I know how much you hate for people to derail a topic.

Please stop attempting to derail.

Or even if they admit the proof is real, they simply toss it aside and say it won’t happen here.

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