Can we ask for more privacy features in forums to feel more secure?

Why add more moderation with no tangible benefit?


We read your post.

We just have the opinion you either dont know what you are talking about, or are being dishonest.


Please explain how you feel unsafe because people can see what your fake character is wearing.

Are you afraid someone is going to dox you because they don’t like the color of your pants?


Oh, I read more than your openening post, and I’m not stupid to know the full intentions to why you want anonymous posting.

BattleTags on the otherhand is a way better suggestion.


Pants color is serious business.

Oof, now that’s some delicious Olive Garden Bread Stick Irony.

Then you only prove my point that no account wide system would work.

You want to hold others up to accountability but take none for yourself when your side is potentially guilty of doing something similar.

There is no reasonable justification for taking these conversations as far as they always go.


If you wear pink pants, I am judging. Period.

They really are so very delicious, though…

Well, at least I’m safe from that much. :grin:

…What? You’re just looking for drama dude lmfao.

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Don’t you dare judge my pink pants…

/types this while actually wearing pink pants


I’m the only one who’s giving you the benefit of the doubt here bro. :person_shrugging:

Oh, I am judging, Ayu! I am judging :dracthyr_no2:

I don’t have pink pants, but I do have a Bright Purple suit I found at a thrift store. Looking for a Joker hat for it, and a pair lime green dress shoes.

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I think you’re pretty on top of things. You’ve even made a post that was meant to have a one-on-one with a mod - you got some feedback - and you’re still rocking out here. I don’t think you’ve got anything to be fearful of. I humbly submit that the more you post about this specific topic, the less anonymous you will be, and the more you proc the Streisand effect.

Like i’ve written before, I think you and I would agree with some topics - like high elves. But the constant paradox of announcing your intent to be forgotten is, I don’t think, yielding the results you want.

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I agree that b tags are not required and the Privacy currently available is more than enough and that we do not require more of it as everything tgey want can be achieved just by using a low level Alt or a classic toon you never play for the same exact effect.

I do not agree that everything is perfect and couldn’t be improved with change though, as account wide functionality for things like the ignore feature and Trust levels would be a net positive for everyone except those with malicious intent, be it those that currently abuse alts and the potential for others to possibly abuse them in the future.

Are we still talking about the hunter making up stuff I didn’t say? I commend you for being the only even responding to me about it, but you’re making it look so much worse…for you and the hunter.
She said something dumb, not me, get over it and move on.

I disagree, the moderation team would be overloaded and unable to deal with the nightmare that anonymous posting will bring.

Don’t you throw your gifs in my face, sir! How rude :dracthyr_a1:

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