Can we ask for more privacy features in forums to feel more secure?

You chose to stand with them. Guilty by association.


Unfortunately, without account wide ignore…


Stand with who? Where did I say it was okay to go tell someone to off themselves?

A side suggestion here…how about when we ignore a character we don’t see their forum posts on the forum. I have the OP ignored but I still see this thread…that doesn’t seem to make sense.


i would like to politely add that it is not your job to protect people on the forums, that is a job for the moderators.

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I’ve literally seen it happen. They get lost in a sea of flags and the thread usually just gets nuked because they can’t go through 1k+ posts and flags to find ONE person who is acting up.


Then you shouldn’t be opposed to the idea of removing a name and server name, along with a connection to an armory from a forum poster.

I am, because it only encourages trolling and negative behavior. While not adding anything positive.


Feel free to discuss that with the OP. I don’t feel unsafe, I’m posting from a hidden classic character. But the OP has very clearly outlined that they feel unsafe.

Citation needed. Blizzard has ZERO tolerance for that behavior and it gets dealt with swiftly and severely.

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Posters gain nothing from the change to the forums. Waste of money.

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Like safe from the OP right? Like knowing their history and seeing the sort of things they post so that they can decide if they wish to interact or not.

If someone is feeling unsafe due to the posts that THEY are making, THEY need to reconsider whether they should be posting on a publically accessible forum.

That said, I’ve recommended that since the OP has such a banger of an idea, that they create their own completely anonymous forum for WoW. It’ll be super popular and there will be no trolling at all.

I’ll stay here and wait for a better system like b-tags to be rolled out.


So is this a “no”?

OP won’t actually discuss anything. I am asking where they are unsafe.

It took you longer to reply to me, than just to quote the statement. When this happens, its a tell tale sign that the person in question has to deflect because they have no point.

Once again. How is a person “unsafe” with the current system?

Hilarious to ask for a citation when you ignored mine.


But it is our RESPONSIBILITY to call out those to the moderators via reports.

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The people who are asking for anonymous posting make me feel VERY unsafe because I’ve seen how they act currently and the things they say.

“Everyone deserves to feel safe unless you don’t agree with us.”


you could still click a report and ignore button with a system of anonymous posting.

click report, allow the moderator to do their job and you can move along.


Thankfully we have moderation that will action those trolls when they break rules as deemed by Blizzard.


But considering nothing is gained, outside of protecting people wanting to troll and say negative things. What is the positive?

But you take the OP seriously?


They literally posted those words and there’s proof of it further up in the thread.


If you feel threatened by the OP, feel free to report them. Blizzard would put them in jail so to speak if needed.

The other option would be account wide ignores, which i am in favor of.

Both are more effective than knowing someone’s character name or btag. That solves nothing and would only enable people to conduct vigilante witchunts and callouts.

No what? No that you’re unwilling to read the thread or no that you’re unwilling to ask the OP a clarifying question about their position?

Your citation is this thread and the OP. I can only lead horses to water I can’t make them drink from it.

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And since nothing positive is gained, why add in something that only has negative effects? Sounds like needlessly adding more work to the moderation team.