Can we ask for more privacy features in forums to feel more secure?

I just told you


Which would be a violation of the forum CoC. You are not allowed to create witchhunts or callout threads.

Report people and advocate for account wide ignore. There is zero reason you need to see someone’s name.


It’s a forum for players to converse. I like that people can see my name and get to know Perl on Anetheron! It allows people to get a better sense of who I am through my history here on the forums and over the many years that I’ve been posting.

In fact, I’ve posted somewhere in the neighbourhood of 100k+ posts in all the years I’ve been active on Perl and all the different iterations of the forums.

I get people who make questionable posts which may lead people to having specific opinions of them, might want to completely hide and pretend like their history doesn’t matter though.


Who said anything about witchhunts or callout threads?? If I’m friends with someone, all I have to do is say it to them on discord or through btags.

Stop trying to twist my words to support your argument. You don’t have a leg to stand on here.

If I know someone is depressed and I know a poster has a history of telling people to off themselves, THEY DESERVE TO KNOW.

That is the reason. To protect people who are vulnerable. Something you clearly do not understand or do not care about.


Huh. That adds another light on things…

The one and only request they made so far that I don’t disagree with was that people should address the message rather than attacking the messsnger.

Only one major flaw to that: the message is dead. The message had no defense against any of the arguments made against it and was left to be beaten into the dust. Yet, they continue to try and revive it which means focus shifts to the OP’s motive for wanting such a thing since addressing a long-dead topic is just perpetuating a circlular argument that goes nowhere.

The fact that the OP has apparently a history of cause problem > get flagged > complain to Customer Service that has happened more than once, questioning motive doesn’t have any favorable results, especially if you look beyond the feigned politeness and victim signaling.

Yeah. There are enough red flags here that it might be mistaken for a Chinese military parade.


nobody asking for fully anonymous posting. I never asked in my topics that. I invite to re-read first post again, it is expanded and explained.

You’re a random person on the World of Warcraft forums. You are not a moderator or the hero of the forums.

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Is… is this supposed to be some kinda gotcha?? I would have given anything to have someone looking out for me when I was young and depressed.

You don’t have to be a mod to protect someone, nor do you have to be a hero. It’s called being human and having compassion for your fellow man, something you clearly lack.

Good lord.


It’s glaringly obvious now that you simply want to avoid accountability for saying terrible things. You can deflect or obfuscate the issue as much as you’d like, but you can’t change the things that you’ve done, and this forum will not be shifting into a format that will allow you to avoid taking responsibility for the consequences of your own actions.


I read that thread, how is that is misquote, did you not say it?


That’s great that you like it. It’s a good thing the OP is asking for OPTIONAL privacy features. If you want your name to remain, have at it! But other people should allowed to feel safe on the forums too.

In this case, reporting them and getting their account sanctioned is miles better. You help the entire community that way instead of only helping the few friends you gossip with.

If you care about the community as a whole, this is the best course of action.

What they deserve is to not have to deal with that person at all, and the best way to ensure that is through the reporting feature.

If that’s what you really care about, then you would report them so that they aren’t able to post on the forums at all. Your argument just doesn’t add up at all.

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We’re having people acting as if they’re the forum vigilantes for some reason because they can’t handle opinions. The OP stated a suggestion and the thread had been devolved multiples times because of off-topic. Now this will once again be deleted because the Pro-taggers are coming here, sifting through OP’s post and using fallacies instead of once again, sticking to the topic. Report people you think is a pain and leave the rest to mods.

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For the community.

I think it goes without saying, that in order to build an actual positive community, you have to cut out those that would ruin that or cause drama and etc. In this case, somebody telling to off themselves and trying to hide it the best they can tho deception.

As for your “oh just report people”… First off, OP still exists on the forums despite clearly telling somebody to die by eletric chair years ago and decided to give flag immunity to OP, so you can’t trust Mods on this.

Second, communities often also exist in space where this isn’t a single company gorverning it. Infact, it’s community driven i might say. So there, it’s even more useful to let others know what they said or did. I myself on a discord server that i co-mod (that has nothing todo with WoW forums btw) and to put simply, if OP was telling somebody to die and if it’s true what they said, their out. No debates needed. And i’l threw out their half baked apology in the toilet where it belongs.


Yes because people definitively do not fall through the cracks because the mods are overworked and underpaid.

The fact that you think death threats and telling someone to off themself is an OPINION is highly disturbing. Good bye, I want nothing to do with you anymore.


Why do people need to hide? What is it that you are having to say, that would cause that much trouble that it will follow you into the game.

Considering recent history, that doesn’t really happen.

Hiding names or anonymous posting, is just an excuse for people to run their mouth with impunity and not be held accountable for what they have said.


“no one asked for fully anonymous posting. Just to hide name and have no way to know who posted anything”

Can you explain how anyone is unsafe?

The OP is suggesting things to enhance trolling. Without participating in discussions.


I did too.

I’ve read over a million posts since this new format started back in November 18’, and I can say without doubt that the words they chose to use at that time aren’t something I’ve seen here before.

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Where on earth did I ever say this? Don’t put words in my mouth.

Yes, and the best way to do that is to report them, not to create witch hunts and callouts.

Do you have any proof of this at all or did you make it up?

That’s not how the forums work. We have moderation here.

When it comes to your examples? Absolutely not. Blizzard has no tolerance for that behavior.

Did you not read anything posted by the OP?

I did.

Can you point me at the specific quote about how someone is UNSAFE with the current options available?