Can we ask for more privacy features in forums to feel more secure?

I’d be fine with anonymous posting if Blizzard also implements the option to ignore all anonymous threads and posters. I have a feeling that would save me a lot of mouse clicks :slight_smile:


No one deserves to be treated with such blatant hate and bigotry. I am sorry you had to experience that.


You didn’t reply to my question which was: When your anonymous posting method is used, will other poster be able to ignore that poster?

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I have my forum ignore list empty, not a single person ever added to it. In game few were ever

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We definitely needed this thread again. The last one wasn’t proof enough that this, is a terrible idea.


You know what’s even better?

Performing a search history of the OP’s name on the forum. I did to try and get a scope of ideas and topics that would potentially be discussed and (now mind you they are older so view points could have changed) quite a few replies were fairly horrendous.

I can see now why the original poster would not like to have a searchable armory and or character name on the forum tied to this character. They absolutely have said some horrendous stuff.

I do not support partial or full anonymous posting or hiding armory profile after finding this, factual, information via the forum’s search function.


Hey. Quick question. Didn’t want you to miss it.


It appears it isn’t the armory page but more so their name. Doing a simple forum search of their name, not via google or any external site, allows a person to find some of those older posts.

It appears they want to be able to mask themselves to continue behavior.

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Nah, i disagree lol.

Otherwise, you wouldn’t ignore (not pressing button ignore, just ignoring) people’s questions and etc. You’ve been ignoring a TON of truth people have been telling you. Esp the truth of “Anon posting would lead to worse and worse”.

What’s funny is you don’t even care if the OP of that spider thread told somebody to die.


When they do that they make fools of themselves. What they are doing is called the fallacy of ad hominem. It means they can’t attack the message so they are attacking the messenger.

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But somehow, it got the mods blessing. Even a flag immunity, despite clearly being blatantly against the rules of dupe threads…


Considering the quotes in this and the post after, it makes sense.


If you think checking things is bad, then boy i have a bridge to sell to you. Because i’m a M50+ rated 5000 RGB rating top pet battler and world best world quester. Oh and also President of United States and Norea Korea. :woozy_face:

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NOW it all makes SENSE. :grinning:


Indeed it does and it is disheartening to say the least.


Sounds like a big job.

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I would imagine so. Probably takes 1.21 gigawatts to power a set up of that magnitude.


I don’t know that I would call it a “blessing” so much as some leniency. After all, Vrak originally locked it, unlocked it after making a few things clear and having to clean the thread up, and ultimately was the one who locked it again.

I imagine this one will come to a similar conclusion.


Anonymous level 10s and their consequences

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WOW. Right. Yep. Yeah…I’m not keen to listen to or implement the ideas of someone who says that people who disagree with them on the forums should be executed via electric chair. Explains why they handwave death threats.

Even if they know better than to openly advocate for that now, it speaks volumes as to their character. Or lack thereof.