Can we ask for more privacy features in forums to feel more secure?

So, again, your issue isn’t Anonymous posting it’s the fact that Blizzard has your personal information.

That’s a you problem. All you have to do is delete your account and Blizzard no longer has your personal information.

You gave them your personal information to start with, that was your choice, so you can’t complain about it now.

Especially when all you have to do to solve that problem is walk away.

Edits because I just woke up and can’t spell apparently lmao


Which, there has been some debates of for and against the options provided by the original poster and some other suggestions.

After this thread concludes, there will be ample feedback, wherever it may go and to whomever, for Blizzard to make a decision.

Hey uhh… You know that comment where OP said your situation was just a different opinion and you were rude to block it, some poop like that?

I think you need to see what nikolis posted. :point_down:


Jesus christ, how is she not banned for this behavior??


I know, personally, I would feel far safer with posters that say things that could damage a person in the physical world to be completely gone from the forum.

Regardless of anonymous or named posting, to me, that kind derogatory talk should be a total removal from the forum.


It is very disheartening when knowing the full truth about you, Nelfas, to why you want to fully hide behind “anonymous.”


I appear to be out of these likes.

I whole heartedly agree with your post.


The fact that she claims to feel unsafe yet she says toxic, hurtful things already… thinking about what she’ll say fully anonymous honestly breaks my heart because I know she’ll get away with it and someone is going to get hurt.


Isn’t it funny how the two users most stridently in favor of anonymous posting have behaved in an absolutely despicable and hypocritical manner?


Pours salt on the brush :salt: :toothbrush:

Heheheheh… :laughing:

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I am, again, out of likes.

Some individuals even reading such things can, indeed, harm themselves. It is why it is of upmost importance to have a means of ignoring, blocking, and reporting horrendous posts.

This old wolf has been through many hardships and understands the struggles of these topics first hand. I would hate to see anyone be hurt by someone claiming to be of good intentions but is, in fact, not honest in their intentions.

A wolf in sheep’s clothing so to speak (no pun intended coming from this old wolf for not all of us wolves are bad).

Oh the irony is so thick, it can be sliced like butter.


And the mods apparently won’t do anything about them either. I do indeed have to wonder if there is preferential treatment going on.


But we as the community now know. And will likely never forget. :smirk:


That brings a certain poster to mind, hmm…

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I wonder the same thing I always wonder when people start ranting about privacy… what are they so desperate to hide?


I really don’t think so. Vrakthris, the blue who closed and then decided to re-open the last version of this thread, was also the one who ultimately closed it.

Vrak is a very level headed and well-balanced individual. He will tend to give some leeway when it comes to allowing people to voice their thoughts, but the thread really never recovered and was eventually closed.

But I would not say that Vrak is one to play sides or give preferential treatment.


i’m curious why she even broached something like that but that’s a 3 year old post i wonder how you found that lol.

but that said, i think vrak should close this topic down and make the account wide thread the official mega thread for forum suggestions. he did say earlier that that was the place to talk about forum stuff but op opened the other one again, locked it, and allowed op to make another. now i’m like why? lol.

it’s just not working… i think vrak tried to be fair but it might as well all stay on one topic.

I am more likely to wonder if they want such so they can be as nasty and everything to others without it coming back to bite them where the sun don’t shine. Far too many want to do unto others but not have it done onto them.


Easy. I typed in her name into the search function and clicked through posts.

I just happened to stumble upon this. It searches for anything with a name so, I suppose even with a random name like the OP suggests, the search filter would allow for one to search that and find someone’s posts.

Rename it to “Forum features megathread” or another fitting title.