Can we ask for more privacy features in forums to feel more secure?

very rarely do people with public profile hidden have something useful to say.


i think ppl are forgetting they cant even do much with the system we have, so it still just might take a rehaul of the forums so anything can still be suggested. if anything else was easier they’d woulda done it by now.
think the forum is at the mercy of an old code.

As I posted in a different thread “I wish Blizzard would do polls to determine if what customers want is worth the cost to implement.”

here to provide my daily support for enhanced privacy features on the wow forums!

have a lovely day everyone :slight_smile:

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I am here to provide MY daily support for NOT having people to hide behind anonymity, stand by what you say or don’t say it all all.


Asking for more privacy options it is not related to ignore function. Hide my profile would work only for a forum character.

There is a way to check that.

It is partly anonymous, = name would be something like blizzard implemented in ow2 ingame.

Like we have now, yes, nothing would change about that.

asking for hidden profiles, as I said, is asking discussion not to occur about whatever is in your profile…ie ‘hiding’ that aspect of the discussion so you dont have to deal with it.
I agree 100%…but then you cant come in here telling US its wrong for US to choose to ‘hide’ other aspects of discussion in here…ie ignoring problematic personalities we dont want to deal with anymore

Actually, there are plenty of scenarios when ignoring people is beneficial. This is especially true when it comes to trolls.

This is absolutely true for both in game and the forums.


And there is a way to ensure there is not a way to check that.

You know this.

I know this.

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And none of that counters the fact that people would use it to troll and harass even more. People still do it on the forums as is. Being anonymous would only increase that.


They know this.

They do not care.


Op is known troll, people need to stop biting…


we already have option to make our profile private. But still you can not fully hide it, because you can check from WoW armory page.

Daily reminder that you’re perfectly fine with log sniping when you do it! Remember when you repeatedly mocked that evoker’s parses in your axe thread that got shut down? I sure do.

Have the day you deserve, hypocrite.


I’m surprised Nelfas haven’t even called out the OP of that thread for telling somebody to end themselves. I mean if i were prioritizing politeness, that would be a volcano of rudeness. But they don’t even bat an eye to it. It’s just the typical “Don’t be rude!” comment towards for the OP of that thread, tame in comparison.

Like somebody not only telling others to end themselves, but want to nuke an entire country (Genocide pretty much) that’s fine with Nelfas.
But insults? “YOU DONE MESSED UP BOYO!!!” Oh wait i mean… “Don’t be rude, you’re fake news”.

The irony of telling somebody to be creative is OP of that thread has been way more creative with their insanity, while Nelfas just repeats their pre-baked lines over and over again.


What information on your armory page of a lvl 10 causes issues?


No one is forcing you to use the ignore function or judging you because you choose not to use it. No one cares.
So how about you stop insulting and judging other people who choose to use the ignore function?


Ya know what’s funny? She has me on ignore. lol. I guess and other Anti’s she can’t handle the truth. Which the funnest thing is, my truth shows the words they’ve said.


Is it truth or opinion.


Explain to me how I’m “denying the truth” when I put someone on ignore for telling me that due to being Jewish, I don’t deserve to live.