Can we all admit that the Forsaken

When I suggeted that Blizzard should have created a better story for the reclaiming of Gilneas by having it be nameless forsaken npcs that are still loyal to Sly’s original plans over it being The SC so that it would be a better closure to the seige story arc. Your character or those that play a Forsaken character that like Sly aren’t who I’m talking about captain narcissist.

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And my main was Dreadmoore for literally a decade.
I hate the Alliance.

I remember you from pvp forums.

If Galath is your main, this is a very recent development.

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Galath has always been my main since I retired Percivall and Arthur is my main ally so I can pve with the fam.

Since you retired Percival, whomst is alliance?

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I have Arthur and Shirou Alliance side and Galath and Borse Horde side. I pvp as Galath, Borse, Shirou and I PVE as Arthur.

Says the race that turned traitor on their homeland because they weren’t allowed to play around with the objectively evil force that works to consume all life in the universe.


Nothing I’m talking about here has to do with PLAYERS who pick to be forsaken or who like Sly.

I am talking about how the STORY around the reclaiming of Gilneas was weak and it was ridiculous to make it the SC seeing as they were all but wiped out in Wrath and how this was clearly a missed opportunity by blizzard to close out several open ended stories from what was going on during the seige of Gilneas. Had they made it some fanatics that broke from the new forsaken it would have been a better way of giving closure to the story over all and it would have been a better bridge for The New Forsaken to mend wounds created by Sly and usher in a era of peace in the region.

and they managed to mend wounds withought having to slaughter more of their already small populace, the forsaken do not have room to be killing their own right now

It was bad writing that left old stories unresolved and with no closure. And we as a paying player base deserved a better story from blizzard and it ridiculous in my opinion to make excuses for their bad writing.

It was bad writing in your opinion, idk about other horde players but i don’t want to slaughter my own kind for the satisfaction of alliance players


That is rich considering the blood elves were playing with Volatile forces that could have caused another Sundering.

Also, if anything Blizzard has made it quite clear none of the elemental forces are “evil”. They are just part of the universe.

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I guess you’ve never quested in the Burning Steps or the Arathi highlands. It was bad writing because it failed to give closure to the already existing stories.

The only high elves that were so aggrieved by the loss of their people that they changed their entire race’s name in memorium to them.

Alliance high elves and void elves are self-centered, self aggrandizing trash by way of comparison.

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And decided to suck magic while they were at it. Like the high elves were just as devastated by the loss and morned as much as any blood elves. Having said that the high elves actually did their part and helped save the world from the Legion while the blood elves were content to wither in their mess until Kael gave them the magic hit :grinning:

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So did Alliance High Elves.
So do current-day void elves.
Alliance High Elves are the highest level of hypocrites, and incredibly stupid to boot.
Would’ve turned around and thanked Garithos for commanding them to die.

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Both dont do that.

Fixed :grinning:

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High Elves sucked magic from magic items like addicts.
Void elves currently suck void magic from void entities and know that every day they are on the very brink of becoming mind-controlled slaves to the void.
Their priorities are some of the dumbest in the entirety of the setting.

inb4: lies denying these facts.

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They literally dont. At best they use magical items as crutch and is a passive thing as oppose to the blood elves actively sucking magic.

This especially is egarious. There is no lore stating the void elves have to suck void magic.

Nothing but lies and half truths. :grinning:

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The High Elves still suffered from mana-addiction with the loss of the Sunwell.

Quel 'Lithien Lodge — had fallen as all the ‘High Elves’ had become wretched, due to falling to such an addiction after Ranger Lord Hawkspear found an item of seductive energy.

Void entities & beings are usually hungry — so it’s not like it’s a huge shock that the void elves, being infused with such energies are likewise hungry to consume power or more void energies to sustain that hunger.

  • Dreadmoore’s mention was likely a reference towards Telogrus Rift, where you literally see some void elves absorbing the powers from that place.

So whilst the High Elves case remains half true in the sense they frown upon the methods Blood Elves use (but are just as susceptible to addiction and can still fall to such) — The void elves case isn’t a lie or a half truth, it’s a fact.


What is the Alliance going to do about it practically speaking? They can’t destroy the horde due to being evenly matched. They went all in on the undead and came out of it with a phyrric victory when all was said and done.
So what? Go to war with the horde again to punish the undead? Not going to happen.