Can we all admit that the Forsaken

Is it in print?
I google searched it and came up with nada except for

To find all the books Blizzard has reprinted just search for “Blizzard Legends” and the silver border near the spine on the cover.
the OP specifically says chronicle is out of print.

I don’t see Chronicle with the silver binding.

Amazon has it for $28. It’s very much not out of print and still for sale


Different bindings are common with reprints and 2nd+ editions and print runs, but even that link brings you right to a listing for Chronicle vol 1. US Amazon and B&N, the two biggest retailers, have hardcopies still available as well. It is absolutely still in print.

Additionally, Dark Horse was the published for Blizzard, and they still list it without the “Out Of Print” logo, and their links to buy copies still works.

So yes, it is still in print, which means there is still a demand for it.

And really, that makes sense. Yes, we in the Story Forum remember that quote and hold it like a knife to drag into the hearts of any appropriate argument.

But the WoW forums are super-niche, and the Story Forums are a niche of that niche. We probably don’t have enough active weekly posters to fill a Classic raid group.

Merch buying is a lot less niche than the forums. People buy merch for things they are not hyper-interested in. It’s a thing that happens. And if you have a passing curiousity about WoW’s story? Book good. If you just want something eye-catching for your WoW shelf? Book good.

So yeah, it’s gonna stay in print for a while longer. The big initial interest has faded, but interest is still there and if it follows other book trends, that interest surges whenever Amazon recommends it with the latest big book to come out.


You can print five thousand copies (low balling number, I’m not in the books business) and keep those in stock until they’ve sold, right??


I still don’t think there are many, if any people clamoring to buy old Chronicles, though.

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You could. But when companies/retailers do that, it’s usually with a warning along the lines of Limited time only or Out of print, limited stock left.

And Chronicles doesn’t have that, on any site that’s selling them.


You would never want to do that unless we’re talking something like… Harry Potter. I’m assuming we’re talking online retailers, because even keeping ten in the back of the store is utter waste.

Books are dead weight sitting on a shelf, and shelf space is highly valuable real estate. Imagine the raw size of 5k copied of Chron. That’s an entire shelving unit just dedicated to that one book. Unless you know beyond any doubt it’s selling, that’s a lot of square footage doing nothing when, by contrast, you know Silhouette and other big romance publishers could fit probably four times as many books, and sell in a month.

Or again, dedicate that to Harry Potter. Even now, HP is going to sell (though far, far less than even five years ago and nowhere near Potter Peak), so why dedicate space like that to a video game story book?

Standard practice is before the reprint run, you reach out to the big online sellers and ask them how many they need. Those retailers are then going to order only what they expect to sell in the next six months to a year, tops, because they don’t want dead shellf space. Especially for Amazon, that space could be used by gadgets and doodads people want to buy.

So if they even have any in stock, there likely was a print run around about the release of TWW, because a new movie/TV/game release is going to drive up interest, and what we’re seeing is the last overstock of that print run.

But, uhm…

TLDR: No, you want to conserve storage space for what shall sell.

… maybe worked at an online book retailer a long while ago.