Can we all admit that the Forsaken

Chronicles are for two things. A general overview of things that happened and fun anecdotes. This falls under the later. Said annecdote may or may not be used Blizzard but again we literally have a void creature like Xal saying the mortals are able to kill even Gods. Arthat is no exception to that.

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Which means it’s irrelevant to the games lore and will never be relevant to what takes place in the game itself


Considering we are told by Xal that we could kill Gods it makes it that much more relevant. That the only thing stopping the factions from doing greater things is the factions themselves constantly fighting. Heck, the fact we managed to derail Xal’s plan so early in an expansion is proof of that.

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Chronicles is not relevant to the games lore. For the one millionth time

Because everything Xal says?



Chronicles is relevant to the story. It is as much a part of it as anything else and you can headcanon it away if you want but unless Blizzard says so the lore of Chronicles is a fairly accurate(if truncated) source of lore.

Like that is literally what canon is. “a collection or list of sacred books accepted as genuine”

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Again Zerde. Nothing in chronicle has ever been relevant to what take place in game

And the lore is NOT held sacred by blizzards writing team. Failure on your part that you think otherwise


Like the entire creation story of Warcraft/the story of the Void Lords and the current understanding of the Cosmology of WoW comes from Chronicles.

Add to that our understanding of how life in Warcraft was created/understanding about various events in Warcrafts come from Chronicles.(heck pre-sundering Kalimdor’s map comes directly from Chronicles)

Hell, the Gnoll Wars was something made up in Chronicles and we only see it briefly in WoW itself.

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Unreliable Narrator


“If the Battle of the Wrath Gate had reached its conclusion, it might have spelled the end of the Lich King. But that was not to be.” (Chronicles Vol 3, p. 180)

I don’t know, guys. I would take Metzen’s ‘what would have happened if it hadn’t been for Putress’ comment seriously.

And I’m deeply disappointed in anyone who accepts Danuser’s unreliable narrator retcon.


The lore was a convoluted mess under Metzen too. Why should we take his takes more seriously compared to any other writer for blizzard?


Because he is one of the original creators, if not the original creator, and not some guy who came along later.

The person who paints the picture, writes the book, and composes the story knows the most because it is his work.

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Metzen was just one of many who worked on WoW in its early days. And like I said, the lore was a mess under him too.

Nobody is obligated to take him any more seriously than any other writer at blizz who contributed their own stuff that people either like or dislike


Chronicle was supposed to be a resource to clean up that mess, but the WoW team couldn’t help themselves (immediately). Add “Titan perspective” to a book covering events that occurred while The Titans were dead, not penned in-universe, and … boy it is really hard to imagine why people don’t take the story seriously.


I’m pretty sure Arthas wouldn’t be defeated at the Wrathgate. Because it’d be a really weird decision to kill off your main antagonist halfway through the story in a cut scene.


Well, let’s be honest. The story, even under Metzen, was never really that deep to begin with. It has all your basic fantasy tropes, sometimes upped to 11 for the rule of cool factor

The one thing people seemed to enjoy was the tropes that were turned on their heads in WC 3, but have since been ignored and blizz went with your stock fantasy trope of Good guys vs Bad guys when it came to the factions

I genuinely enjoy most of WoWs lore. I suspect most of us do, or we wouldn’t be playing the game or even arguing over its lore. But to take it seriously? Yeah, that’s hard to do even with the lore I do like :dracthyr_heart:

I don’t think any game, movie or even book has ever killed off the main bad guy half way through. At least none that were any good at least :dracthyr_hehe_animated:


He was / is the Creative Director. Warcraft, as we know it today, came from his pen. (along with his team, but he sets the tone and direction)
He also wrote the original story of warcraft in the Warcraft III manual.

That is your personal opinion, which I do not share.
But it doesn’t matter. The original author has final say on interpretation, since it is his story that is being told.
Everything else by third parties is fan fiction. Even with copyright.


Well, since blizzard itself owns the rights for Warcraft, everything written for it is canon until they decide it isn’t


I wrote slightly more than that. Is it possible for you to respond to me without using a passage out of context?


It was the only thing I wanted to respond to

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can’t kill the lich king anywhere but the frozen throne.
that said, i think arthas would’ve looked hella dumb being kited up a cliffside.