Can we all admit that the Forsaken

I love when someone writes so horribly, while criticizing the writing of others.

Thank god you aren’t writing the story, it would make even less sense.


Those with no argument always find a cheap way to run down those whom they disagree with. Now go touch some grass grammar n*zi.

all writing is affected they may look fine now just as a matter of time before forsaken fanboys turning everyone into the undead,this actibliz must be purge

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Far be it from me to get in the minds of the children…. But I wonder what the kids will call Blizzard going forward

Mircoblizz? Blizzsoft?

The kids are always so good at making up insulting names

The question is always “which X” when people start pushing collective punishment.

Which I, frankly, wish this game did a lot less of for all sides.

No. He wouldn’t have. That much was obvious.


If he had given into the helms power much earlier, as soon as he put it on for example at the end of Wrath, than yeah, he probably would’ve curb stomped her pretty easily

He lost because he only gave into the helms power at the last moment

You arent even talking about the same conversation as everyone else in this thread.

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I’m literally responding to a comment you made. It;s okay you don’t know how responses work though

Do you know where you are? This is not a discussion about the shadowlands intro cinematic, and you aren’t even right about that.

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We all get one pass for using the Blight.

But if you use it a second time? Now you are very much the evil!!

To be fair, they were asking for it.

Throwing stink bombs are good, hard-working Forsaken who were already dealing with people calling them smelly undead? It was so unfeeling of those dirty humans.

Got what they deserved imo.

But it became exactly that when you all started discussing Bolvar Fordragon tho.

Do you know where you are right now?


I was going to mention that Bolvar was bought up and discussed, which is why I mentioned him. Than I realized that he had infact, no idea that Bolvar was part of the discussion :dracthyr_lulmao:


He was suggesting that Bolvar (still living) at the Wrathgate could have beaten Lich King Arthas when he came out, shortly before Putress started raining blight on everything.

Nobody could’ve beaten Arthas at the Wrathgate. We didn’t even defeat him at Icecrown. He killed all the champions who went against him when he was done toying with them

It took a cosmic powerup to shatter his sword and ultimately defeat Arthas


Much agreed.


We were in his territory/the strongest place he could be. As per Chronicles its specifically mentions that without the whole plague bombing the troops of the Alliance/Horde that battle might have turned out quite differently.

Heck, Arthas’ whole plan was unravelling at that point because instead of a weak and demoralized group, both side were racking up victory after victory and could very well have sweeped the Lich King.

Honestly, for years I wish we would have our own “what if” sort of series from Blizzard.

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He would’ve slaughtered everyone. He proved that at Icecrown when he got bored and than killed everyone.

Everything we did, we did because we idiotically fell right into every trap he laid out for both sides. He specifically wanted the strongest and best to make their way to the top of Icecrown so he could kill them and raise them as his deadliest and best generals to conquer the rest of Azeroth.

Which, need I remind everyone again, he was in the process of before the Deus Ex Machina kicked in and the plot demanded he had to loose.


Except as per Chronicles his trap was failing miserably with the combined might of the Alliance/Horde about to sweep his army. And as we have see, the Lich King was most powerful in his sanctum, the further away he was from it/if he was forced to fight on holy ground, the less powerful he was.

Except he didn’t fail the way Chronicles says

That’s the entire point. Nobody cares about Would’ves or Could’ves because it didn’t play out that way


It didn’t play out that way because both armies were crushed because of the plague, and not the Lich King.

So again no plague=the Lich King might have been defeated at the Wrathgate. That it wasn’t the Lich King that won that battle and everything with both faction losing due to the plague.

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