Can we agree the new loot System isn't working

The gear is irrelevant to that point.

A good player will be able to carry an LFR
A bad player will not.
This is true regardless of the gear levels of the 2 characters.

Obviously the good player having more gear will make it easier for them to carry harder, but it is not what enables the carrying

No. It’s not.

Getting a piece of gear should unlock the transmogs for the same piece of gear at all lower ilvls.

Stops this issue in its tracks AND gives a nice perk to people doing harder content.

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Well you are going to keep hearing it because it is. PL the need roll just happened behind the scenes.

But then people wouldn’t have the “I’m a mog collector” excuse to ride on while they snatch loot to DE or vendor.

At what part, did you start hype fixating on LFR loot, who cares about LFR loot.

the original post was about heroic prog group where hunter got the exact same ilvl/stat gloves(no one had any evidence to suggest Transmog but they defended this hunter for that anyways), not the giveme raid blizzard places in the game for story and teaching.

408 is the heroic progression ilvl for the mid-bosses. he was wearing the 408 gloves, it being both tier and 408 it was alot of player power for the players that could actually use, he already had a piece and shouldn’t have been able to roll it, hence the change blizzard is making as commented by someone eles.

Then the mog collectors just wouldn’t be there to begin with.

I don’t agree, your just mad. I honestly think this rolling thing is as fair as it gets.

You still pick loot spec and even so how much gear is based on spec? Tier isn’t spec based and almost all pieces work equally well for tanking, healing or DPS.

It’s pretty much better than PL but only by a slight margin and only feels worse because people can do bad stuff with it.

Basically with PL everyone rolls need on everything.

At least with this loot system some people will roll greed because they have something better.

Then you get the Tmog hunters that don’t even actually want to use it for T mog they just want the slot unlocked

Except I get to choose whether or not to roll on every piece and able to trade any and all loot I want without restrictions. So yeah, I guess it is “basically the same as Personal Loot” just much better.

Group Loot is holding guns to people’s heads and forcing them to create drama? You’re the one creating drama here, queen.


And personal loot did not stop people from inventing loot drama.

So say you are a warrior, an arms, and the tank is a prot warrior, it’s suppose to give prioity to that prot if a shield drops, what im saying is, i could have done the fight as arms, be in arms loot spec as the loot pops up, and then suddenly swap to prot loot spec to try and beat him for the shield, it’s feature of the new loot system people can get around by just swapping loot spec.

Uhhh, after reading this,


It’s the forums, threads open conversations, you’re just a goof if you think that’s drama.

the loot system is definitely causing drama if they’ve had to keep hot-fixing it, obviously people complain, having pugs disband over watching someone actively roll for loot they shouldn’t normally be allowed to, creates more conflict than PL where someone getting the item and deciding to keep it.

To me they’re very similar systems, but one just caused aton less conflicts in pugs, obviously though not every system is drama-free or conflict-free. people will always complain about loot, but hey as long as they continue to update the loot system 3-4x to do what they’ve said it should be or should have always been doing, i guess it’s fine.

They should add these to the game as a cosmetic hat option.

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And force everyone who starts a GL thread to wear it.

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Yes! I love it!

That is how loot spec always worked…

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The old loot system you can be in a different loot spec and get a drop for that loot spec on looting the body, don’t misunderstand me for not wanting people to be able to loot for off-spec, but being able to see a shield drop, and instantly swap your loot spec to what that item is before hitting roll to get away from the part of the loot system that’s meant to give prio to people’s main spec, is probably not the way they intended it.