But with personal loot you could just as easily gotten an untradeable item on someone who is never going to equip it.
Personal loot was a mistake, not an upgrade. Group loot is better because it means we can trade without restrictions and group environments that’re guild oriented can actually have some more control over how things go, which is a good thing. Our group has had no drama with personal loot because we all work together, understand it is a team effort, and are seeing the results.
So you agree that there are plenty of other methods for those same players to get the same if not better gear outside of LFR as well, right? So they can get an item and trash it within minutes by getting something better, but apparently you think that still means they’re more deserving of it because they’re “using it” for those few minutes? Make it make sense.
So you expect that transmog player to help you down the boss with no reward? You can go pound sand dude. Thats not going to happen.
the only solution to this would be to have the gear items in LFR be the same transmog colors as normal or heroic. that will instantly prevent higher ilvl players rolling on stuff strictly for transmog.
then and only then can they place restrictions on rolling for tier and other items if the player has or had a higher ilvl item in the said slot.
some of the lfr items have the nicest colors and you cant blame some of these players for rolling on it for transmog exclusively.
dont hate the player hate the game. this is a blizzard problem and i just gave them a solution.
Yeah, this thing makes it sound like OP wants to be the Master Looter in every raid they are in, with the sole power to determine who gets what.
Its not and i am tired of people saying this.
It’s too bad they can’t unlock the transmogs for those of us that got the higher level pieces before LFR even started releasing wings. I would never touch it again. And would laugh to myself about the long ques and massive determination stacks. It’s already bad in many groups even with some of us carrying and explaining mechanics. Can’t even begin to imagine the fun of those people no longer having a reason to que.
I mean, if we’re talking LFR inside a vacuum.
We’re talking tier and gear upgrades in pugs which exist far beyond LFR, there are normal pugs, heroic pugs, there are mythic pugs already that’ll be cross-server soon.
Transmog is greed, it’s just a random optional appearance that people horde that has no power towards progression.
Also true, but at the very least that person can sell it for gold. Tier loot cannot be sold until you use it to create the piece, and you cannot use it if is not for your class.
I mean… if you want to say it like that, to be fair - some of those people that only do LFR for gear or to see the raid… that gear isn’t at all going to improve their skill or help them with progression either.
Literally not an opinion, you cant need roll on a hunter’s bow as warrior just because it’ll show up in your transmog, appearances aren’t vial to any progression and that’s why you don’t get loot your class cant have till it becomes legacy. that’s why you cant roll on random INT daggers as warrior and AGL bows.
From PL you had the same chance of drop, u just didn’t see it. And the only problem with this new system is that people CAN roll twice the same item and win both, not mention they can roll for a tier peace the have already and the time for rolling is just a joke. We don’t need all that time to roll, every run a trolling sit there waiting ppl leave and just don’t roll. Rather those think, everything else is fine. You can roll for transmog or Disenchant, it’s fine. If you win the roll, it’s your. What make people think that THEY need is more valuable then your. It’s a fair roll. And no man. I can’t roll a bow as warrior. And better, if your role spec is tank and you roll need on a DPS weapon, you don’t win from ppl who rolled for man spec.
If I was FORCED to say something good about the new system …
I guess I would say that psychologically, it feels better to actually SEE a bunch of loot drop, even if I don’t ever win any of it. That sense of killing a boss, clicking on the body, and BOOM!!! a bunch of loot shows up … just feels good.
Instead of just … nothing.
As to HOW MUCH loot I’m ACTUALLY getting… it’s the same. If I got 1 piece every other week in SL, I’m getting about 1 piece every other week now.
So while I like that fake-feeling of seeing lots of loot … I don’t care for the drama and/or complications that come with it.
Thankfully, I’m in a guild where no one is hogging loot. And every boss kill is “ok I won the roll but is this better for you? What about you? Is this better?” That’s great for a guild of decent human beings.
But uhhhhhhh… I realize I’m probably in the minority there. lol
ALL things considered, I would rather just have personal loot.
I would love for lfr transmog to unlock if you completed a normal raid. But these low level players whining about gear would whine louder because now there are less skilled players telling them what to do and helping them killing the boss. Not my problem of course, but that would be the end result.
The rules for if you can roll need are
1: is your class intended to ever equip that item
2: do you not already have that item at the same or higher ilvl.
If both are true, you can roll need.
What you feel about why someone is rolling need there is irrelevant.
That’s not a need, that’s a want. Your closet is a want not a need.
You can say that until you are blue in the face. The game will stay say you are wrong. Deal with it.
Sure, you’re loosing out on what has historically been 5 gold for the tier token, 50 for an armor piece, or 100 for a weapon.
In the scope of raiding, that’s not a lot of gold (a weapon is less than the price of a single one of the cheap combat potions).
Outside of LFR, the items dropping for raids without classes who can use them are only a possibility if the raid leader allows it to happen
Inside of LFR, a random distribution makes it unlikely except for single class items (agi daggers, bows or the evoker staff as examples) for other reasons, I would support Blizzard adding queue logic that forces the LFR to put at least 1 of every class in the groups it creates.