When you think about it, it’s more than a little odd the Old Gods have never once been regarded as an extinction level threat by the story.
C’Thun was certainly strange and foreboding but he was overshadowed by Kel’Thuzad in Vanillia.
Likewise Yogg’Saron was a side quest in Wrath. He’s second fiddle to a guy with an evil hat living in a fortress made out of his frozen blood.
And now we’ve N’Zoth who while technically the final boss of BFA still feels like a B Plot being used to hastily tie up the main one.
Thing is though - maybe it’s wise to play it this way. I think fantasy RPGs by their very nature conflict with Cosmic Horror. Spoiler for a 83 year old book;
At the end of The Mountains of Madness the crew of the Alert (a boat) ram full speed into the head of Cthulu - to no effect whatsoever.
That’s what makes the Lovecraftian pantheon so dreadful - it’s not just that their visage is beyond or comprehension. Their power is beyond it as well. We’re gnats to them. Insects who’s only means of survival is hopefully being so insignificant that the Elder Things just don’t bother squashing us.
And I think you can’t capture that feeling in a game like WoW. To put a health bar on Cthulu defeats the point. There is no traditional victory to be had. It’s about a feeling of utter powerlessness in the face of a cosmos too terrifying to understand. Whereas WoW’s about power fantasy. Every expansion essentially ends with using the power of teamwork to cancel the apocalypse. So maybe the Old Gods can never be done well in a setting like that and should be kept as weird interludes if used at all.
But what do you think?