Can the devs please remake the Venthyr leather and mail sets?

I like the leather set. Hey look at that! Opinions are subjective!

And why did you lump the mail set in with it anyway? We haven’t seen it yet.

I find the leather set for all the covenant factions superior to all the leather sets of BFA >_>. Plus I have a 120 of every class and love undead themes.

The leather set from Dazar’Alor was top tier. It just screamed feral Druid/rogue. Though I guess it may not be so appealing for a boomkin or resto Druid.

Also, I’m thinking of the mythic set. The lower tiers for the leather set may be worse for wear, I just don’t know what they look like off the top of my head.

Haven’t really seen much in mail sets.

I think they will have to spend more time messing them up and it will probably cut into the time they need to work on Alliance.

So calling it now bad Mail Armor will be a Horde Bias

Wait are armor classes still really sharing gear sets? Please tell me this is a cruel joke i figured it was just a thing in BFA due to rushing. But we are really about to go into another 2 years of sharing the same armor sets? Pathetic…

That leather set looks pretty cool to me? Also I don’t see a mail set at all in the link.

The Shadowlands expansion is going to be known as the Chain’s ‘n’ Spikes ‘n’ Ugly Helmets Expansion. I hope they have some more refined armours and don’t just go down the WoW shoulderpads meme pathway.

I get the feeling plate will be the winners here and everyone else … not so much.

this will always be a plate first game.

everything else is an afterthought

Am I the only one annoyed that the sets for Venthyr are red/gold and the back pieces are silver/red?

The colors don’t match at all

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Zandalari can’t show the boots and have jacked-up faces that ruin helmets.