Can the devs please remake the Venthyr leather and mail sets?

I just looked up the leather set on Wowhead and that… that’s bad. It’s actually so bad I genuinely do not want to go this convenant on my leather classes.

Please please remake the leather set. The cloth and plate BOTH look amazing, but the leather literally looks like any cheap glamour I can already get.

Compare that to the set of literally any other covenant…

Please remake this. PLEASE.

Or compare it to THIS set… Literally crack open this Venthyr leather set and put it directly beside this. HOW DO THEY COMPARE?

Like how is this even remotely close to the same quality???


Oh, it isn’t that bad when you look at Maldraxxas’ leather set. I like the Revendreth sets personally.

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Leather is the new Mail


Leather usually looks crap though. The Plate OTOH looks amazing. So torn between them and Bastion for my Pally.

Mail is almost always hideous. I remember all of those ugly sets made from the weirdest parts of the ugliest mobs.


Yes it does! Can’t wait.

What looks bad about it? It doesn’t look that horrible to me. Also it’s probably not finished yet, so suggesting what you think would make it look better might help them.

The other covenants’ leather looks way worse not I’m with you there. I do not understand the OP’s concerns.

I don’t mind the overall look, but if the model viewer is accurate, the clipping issues are unreal. I know there is a balance between not having the shoulders too far away from the head, and not having it clip through the helm, but jeesh. I am not seeing those issues on the cloth and plate sets.


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I just wish WoWhead wouldn’t use the human male model as the default. Every set of armour is made 1000x uglier on a male human. Use Zandalari ffs.

Uh, that leather set is awesome, thanks.


This set makes me want to level my DK. :unamused:

I hope this is the quality they give each and every set.

More glows, more wings, more awesomeness. The cloth set for instance looks AWESOME.

the weird tombstone things on the back are super lame

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Agreed, I really don’t like them compared to other convenant back gear.

Sorry to inform you, but mail always gets the short end of the stick, and leather only is allowed a few good sets every few years. Leather just got that amazing set from Dazar’Alor so they won’t be getting another good set for a while.

Meanwhile, plate almost always gets good sets because plate is the best type of armor. Duh.

The main set I think is off is the Maldraxxus/Necrolords leather set. The color scheme doesn’t even match the other 3. That said, I do like Night Fae mail set, the Kyrian plate set, and especially the Maw raid plate sets.

I’m sorry but are you blind? Because Leather and Mail was complete A** for that raid tier. Only Plate and cloth was great.


Man, we should all get wings. Everyone wants wings, Give Venthyr dark flowing wings for a back piece! Not some tombstone? Good grief. You devs act like you have never spoken to another person.

Who did you talk to that said “Man, you know what would be cool? I I had like a big ugly slab of granite chained to me.” Who told you that?


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