Can Tanks stop dragging massive mobs

I wanted to make this a Ricky Bobby “if you don’t pull first, you’re pulling last” kinda thing.

from Imgflip Meme Generator


I love pulling big, but the dps has to kill big. They aren’t always up to that.

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Run a dungeon like a buffet line:

All you can eat and every man for himself.

Everyone is overpowered and g- I mean, fun!

Please try it, it’s so much fun to get abilities you shouldn’t have. My warlock literally has so many different shields and stuff, she never takes damage.

I have minimum experience playing tanks and even less healing. but 99% of the time, its, as my friend calls it “running simulator” to keep up with the mob of people. XD
EVEN IF YOU PICK IT AS GROUP ROLE! it matters a little bit more in scenarios and LFG, but in the raids, it’s just ruunnnnnnnn

But did you die?!


sounds like M+ isnt the game mod for you then


There’s a big difference between doing reasonably fast pulls and trying to tank the whole dungeon at once.


First boss in RLP just became way harder :scream:

the drake eggs start hatching…


I stopped healing because of this.
Granted, some tanks know how to get, and keep aggro.
The majority that I’ve had the misfortune to queue with, do not.
More often than not, I end up pulling aggro just trying to keep the tank alive.
Or the tank dies a mile or two away because the group is stuck behind fighting the mobs he couldn’t be bothered picking up.
I just don’t have the patience for that anymore.


On the contrary, having 30 mobs grouped up so I can do 2 million damage in that pull is a lot of fun :smiley:


Lol, OP how long do you have to wait to DPS?

It can’t be that long. Or do you not want to wait at all?

It’s like waiting for three sunders, right?


Irony/lack of awareness…

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Blizzard gave me tricks of the trade exactly for situations like this:

So I can willfully not use it, and sit back and watch from the safety of stealth to see how carnage ensues.

Sorry, I’m not smart what do you mean?

I gathered that much.
My point, is that on one hand you are defending the idea of the ’ go go go ’ mentality…
Yet on the other, you’re berating someone for a lack of patience…


My favorite GNR song

That’s exactly what you should be doing.

You’re not dismissing the validity of an argument simply because you’re stating the argument before it’s said. You’re simply acknowledging the existence of that argument.

The more groups a tank is capable of safely pulling, the better. In every single measurable context. It’s better.
If you don’t understand why, it’s a you problem.


I don’t think I’m berating!

But to do the gogogo properly you do need a bit of patience, imo! :slight_smile:

Less time spent overall is what matters!


It’s the ones who don’t hit every mob who are the problem. If they hit them they’d be able to keep aggro. Too many think that tanking is just pulling mobs. No care for keeping the heat off their party or positioning the mobs. The whole point is to enable dps to kill things most efficiently. Can’t really do that when you’re having to struggle to stay alive.


Pulling as much and as quickly as the group is comfy with. :dracthyr_blob_dance_animated: