Can Tanks stop dragging massive mobs

It’s no fun being in a group with a tank that runs from the start to practically the boss hitting every mob along the way. As a healer I can’t stand this. And it’s even worse as a melee dps. Tanks just don’t seem to care if mobs turn their focus to others who can’t keep up then they’re dying.

And don’t say, “Hold off on dps until the tank stops”. Even if you did that it’s still not fun. I like to play my class, use the spells I got. Heck, I often am trying out a new spec but can’t really cause we’re just following and the mobs are mostly dead by the time the tank stops.

It’s. Not. Fun.

Now go ahead, attack me. You’re all too predictable. But in the rare case someone supports this and or offers constructive advice, I thank you in advance.


one thing tanks learn early

if they don’t pull fast, someone else will pull fast for them.


its due to lack of patience people are in a hurry and most times if tank isn’t fast enough everyone complains not going fast enough its a no win scenario


States a strong opinion then:

The WoW forums are something else.


If the mobs are dying and the tank isn’t, then everything is going swimmingly.

A dungeon run isn’t the time to take it nice and slow and learn your spec, sorry. Other people’s time is not beholden to your needs. Play with target dummies if you need practice.


Its fun for meeeeee


Who hurt you?


I love pulling big but I also always make sure I got aggro on all mobs. I’m from the vanilla school


This is the sign of a bad tank. Just because they can survive it, doesn’t mean their squishies can.

A good tank takes care of his dps and makes sure they’re safe and can handle the damage coming in.

If they can’t the tank needs to slow it down a bit.

It’s just an ego problem.

Edit: Commented on the quote below.

To be fair, this is kind of implied. Let the tank take aggro before you unload your CD’s.


If you pull at a decent pace you’ll never run into this problem. Pull 2-3 groups at a time and people are generally happy with that.

And if a dps pulls ahead, they die. Or they can run it back to the tank. And if we wipe because a dps needed a 4th group to dps, then that’s on them, not the tank.


op this is the dps speed demons fault that this has happen


this is what those follower dungeons are for?


just go cleave and follow the tank. :person_shrugging:t2:


Counter point: if my stagger bar isn’t red then tanking isn’t fun. All my brews are pretty much pointless.


You’ve clearly never done a follower dungeon. They’re just normal dungeons with normal dungeon tuning. You blow through them so fast that you’re not learning anything.

They might be good while leveling, but not at max level.

you’re incorrect, i have done a follower dungeon.

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Ok. And you felt that you can actually learn a new spec in there? Healers do more damage than the dps mobs and can drown mobs very quickly.

you are either doing low enough level content where it doesn’t matter and they just want to get done quicker, or you’re doing higher level content where it does matter and they just want to get it done quicker. The only time pulling big is bad is if the tank can’t keep up with the size of their pulls.

i rarely see tanks that can successfully hold agro on
massive mob drags…they always lose a few…which causes
problems for the rest of the group, even if they’re following
and not attacking.
but that’s the fault of the devs…making tanks strong enough to pull
several packs of trash along…sometimes all the way to the first
boss…is a mistake…and it detracts from the game.


i was about to attempt a constructive response when i saw that your toon is a prot paladin, possibly the alt of a guardian druid. so, then, I guess, my constructive response is:

don’t be the kind of tank you don’t like. pull one lieutenant mob or a single pack at a time.

see how long that works before the rest of your group gives you real time feedback that THEY aren’t having “fun”.