Can Tanks stop dragging massive mobs

i’ll say what i like, especially when it’s true. the pull begins when the tank stops moving, not the instant they enter combat.

okay, if you feel dying to aggro is more fun, go for it.


That’s not true! We learned that if you get all the Ai killed they instantly respawned on you even if you were in combat!

I also made the healer quit once.


I 100% agree. Suggestion: Make all players take increasing stacking damage over 8+ mobs. People need to die again. Groups need to wipe again. Healers are complaining anyway and their playstyle is lackluster so give them something to heal again. 1 player (the tank 99% of the time) should not be able to have this much power and control over 4 other players during game time. There should be severe group consequences. Namely, death to everyone for mass pulls like theOP is referencing.


A balance which is hard to do, but it does exist. And not ALL tanks are careless like that, I’ve seen most of them do try and make sure they keep aggro on all the trash until the ‘kill spot’ is reached.

*edit; wasnt supposed to be a reply to you, sorry

  1. dont heal the tank under any circumstances. IF he starts dying over behaving like this…giggle in the chat box and laugh when he dies…then vote kick if you can get it passed.

  2. if your heals start pulling stuff in on you, dont heal at all. Let DPS die if theyre eating the tanks leftovers and when youre all doing the walk of shame back thru the dungeon, vote kick the tank if you can.

  3. understand this is end of the expansion and they act like this because they can. New expansion is coming soon and these same tanks will be screaming “WHERE ARE MY HEALS???” again soon enough, lol


Here you go, I made you some infinitely scaling difficulty with m+

Now you can wipe to your hearts content.


I agree games have gotten lazy maybe because I am old as dirt but games were more fun before now gamers are to inpatient they want instant gratification. wow is the downfall as i see it while i love the game. the concepts wow brought to gaming destroyed the difficulty in mmorpg games.

Some of my best Memories were in everquest putting together 100+ man raid teams in planes of powers to take on epic battles the coordination and teamwork required. all done with typing in chat because discord wasn’t a thing yet.


I don’t mind big pulls if the tank can hold aggro and stops occasionally for the rest of the party to catch up. I was in a run yesterday the tank just blitzed straight through and didn’t pick up anything. That was annoying.


I’ve almost quit tanking beacuse we can’t win.

We’re either going too slow, or someone pulls for us, or we’re going too fast and the DPS can’t keep up. I really miss the days when DPS would die, and then get kicked, for purposely pulling trash.


Yeah I usually try and pull the entire dungeon if I can

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If you don’t like the way people tank then you can always tank yourself.


As a tank, you have have a huge impact on timing keys. Good routes and chain puling is how its done.

The bigger problem I have is when I start gathering mobs, some DPS decides to blow all their CD’s on the trash. They die as a result.


I love pulling the whole dungeon just to see DPS die n healer cry.

I’m in the slow down phase. Even if I had the gear (and not all of this blasted crit on my bear :pleading_face:) I’m not pulling big mobs and going super fast. Now, I’m not saying super slow is good either.

It’s not fun and it’s not enjoyable.

I wish they had separate ques for ppl who wanna go lighting fast vs not


In Remix, everything is zoom. If you’re gonna queue, slot in all your speed gems, all you need is ZOOOOOMMMM

= Vote Kick


I haven’t even tried it because I figured and I figured ppl who play even more than I do ruin the experience for folks

Now keep in mind I have wiped LFR a time or two feeling frisky, so take what I say with a grain of salt :upside_down_face:

Not what the OP is talking about.

Also at higher M+ you can’t pull from the start to the 1st boss in a pug. The OP is talking about the majority of the Warcraft player base, not the top 1% that are working as a team on comms.

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That’s bait :eyes:

Posts like this are overly predictable.
Post something that will garner attention, then don’t reply. Works every time

What level of content are you playing where this is a constant issue?