Can someone explain why GDKP is so hated?

According to Google around 17% of individuals make 100k+ a year.

That means the odds of you making less are 83%, I’m willing to take that bet.

But I mean you can put your money where your mouth is and show us right?

I’m sure someone so insecure and scared to even show who his video game character is on a video game forum is definitely going to show he makes more right?

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You’d lose, just as you have in life.

That’s what I thought.


Insecure clown getting rekt

I linked my pay, how long till you link yours?

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At least you spend a lot of time on the road so your family doesn’t have to deal with you.

You should take the advice the CS rep gave Eyr’s alt and touch grass

I’m home every day…I’m hourly…I’m also off 2 days a week and off holidays…

Bro why you still talking, link your paycheck like I did, let’s compare.

Stop duckin.

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I don’t give into the demands of dropouts and truck drivers lol. :truck:

I don’t like that it turns raiding into an economy instead of just like, raiding because you enjoy raiding in this game. It sounds good in theory, you get to raid and also make gold at the same time. But when it becomes so widespread it makes it seem like you can’t participate in raiding unless you have a lot of gold.

I had no problem with GDKP back in the day in WoW because there were still plenty of guilds just raiding because they were full of people who enjoyed raiding. There were still many ways you could raid in WoW back then without needing a bunch of gold.

This guy must have fallen for the student loan meme. How hilarious

Nobody cares man

You got rekt here.

You’re all talk.

Insecure in game and in real life.


I linked you my paycheck and you can’t link yours cuz poor.


You don’t give off the impression of someone that doesn’t care. Truck driver dropout reply.

If a dropout makes 6 figures while you have student debt and make less, what does that say about your intelligence :thinking:

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Are you also a dropout to ask such a stupid question? It’s so funny seeing dropouts and truck drivers write words.



Lol I flipped houses out of high school and now don’t have to work, feel free to try and tell me how much better working for someone is than that

I even linked him my paycheck.

He came in try to talk trash and got wrecked typical insecure clown who needs to hide.

Congratulations, you’re a neet that disappoints everyone.

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Being financially independent without working unless I want to is pretty much the complete opposite of a neet, you should google what that term means. I guess staying home with kids counts as a job in loose terms so I guess you can say that im employed by my wife

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Only a matter of time until they resent you for being lazy deadbeat. I feel bad for them.

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Yeah kids who grow up upper middle class with involved parents who are always around usually grow up to resent their parents lmao. Just because your dad stayed at work to avoid his family doesn’t mean thats the norm.