Can you use google? Do you know how to search forums?
Do you really need to ask the same question that gets asked every other day to crack some crazy mystery that is too complicated for you to crack on your own?
Can you use google? Do you know how to search forums?
Do you really need to ask the same question that gets asked every other day to crack some crazy mystery that is too complicated for you to crack on your own?
The amount of times I’ve been called bad or stupid etc by people who went out of their way to ruin classic with their cheating has soured me on engaging with them.
I’ve already made my argument.
I won.
There’s no further need to engage with idiots who refuse to acknowledge that they ruined the game with their cheating and couldn’t care less.
Complaining =/= posting generally about something. I can see why Blizzard ignores you and just collects your $15 a month, you’re not smart enough to communicate an intelligent thought about anything.
lmfao you pay for a sub?
Yup and so do you paypiggy.
This is the perfect example of someone who is anti gdkp, they suffer from NPD and think they others doing activities they aren’t involved with somehow effects them in any way. They think that they win by controlling others and its honestly sickening
You’ve been absolutely drug face down in every thread you post in. You’re a lunatic.
If you use the AH you’re benefiting off of RMT cheater.
I have 4 subs and don’t pay a dime little bro, one gdkp a month on cata does that for me
Hyperbolic whataboutism doesnt change reality. Just FYI.
Dude’s a troll. His entire existence revolves around provoking responses by saying whatever he has to to get people mad. Ignore him.
His guildies buying gold for their consumes also benefits him, yet hes fine with that
You act as if it matters lmfao.
I’m not making an alt so I won’t be pugging at all, that’s all that happens.
You’re acting like no gdkps matters rofl.
Great, so you pay in your time and someone else pays $20 a month instead lol. I’m shocked you can even operate a computer. Blizzard must love having you around. They can treat you however they want and they milk tons of money off of you.
I’m not the one that make 2k posts about it in the spam of a month lol. That’s what you did all while claiming “i DoNt CaRe”.
Oh I’m just using his own logic now, maybe he’ll understand. I doubt it though.
2 hours for 60 dollars worth of subs and i have fun doing it? Yeah thats good for me. They literally milk 0 from me since I don’t pay for subs or cash shop items
It means you’ve been destroyed and exposed for the complete moron you are.
It comes to no surprise that you didn’t understand.
MR NPD thinks everyone besides him is the problem, how shocking is that lmao theres a reason you get laughed at every time you post and have to swap to one of your other spam alts
Someone else pays for the tokens you buy and they spend $20 each, which is more than a regular sub. Blizzard is making more money off of you than they are of people paying $15 a month. And they get to ignore your stupid forum posts while they do it. The fact that you don’t even have the awareness of this is hilarious lol. And you’ll stay subscribed because you’re addicted.
GDKPs aren’t coming back. Deal with it.
I don’t care what other people do with their time/money, thats a sign of NPD. I have never attempted to influence or communicate with blizzard at all, all I do is laugh at people like you who are so high on copium you think you won while there are more bots and more RMT in fresh than any other version. I don’t even waste time doing it, my 10m ST clears are making me hit lockout cap and I get bored just waiting
I did win, no GDKPs and I get to laugh at losers like you all day lol.
More stupid words from a cheater trying to claim victory over me when I won the very moment GDKPS were banned