Can someone explain why GDKP is so hated?

The proof is that GDKPs are where the most gold is exchanged and it isn’t even close. The logical conclusion that follows is that GDKPs are the biggest mover of RMT gold. This is very simple to follow but people like you are helpless. It’s okay though, Blizzard isn’t listening to you, they never will, and you will never get GDKPs back.

Deal with it.


As Glinda would say, let’s keep things civil.

Self projection at its finest.

I’m not interested in civility with liars and cheaters.

These idiots lost. They can screeech and cry all they want but their antics aren’t welcome in fresh.

You can’t come up with a logical or rational argument for anything. I completely understand why you wouldn’t want to embarrass yourself further.

I mean I bet if I inspected the people in your raid they already are meta players because info isnt a secret.

You’re all prolly the best specs already and you know your bis from bis lists.

I doubt people in your raid just made up their own spec and bis lists.

Would a hug help, friend?


The amount of gold moved through consumeables at 60 is so much higher than gdkp lmao gdkp makes up such a small fraction of raids, while every raider is spending 150-200g a week lmao. What a bold faced lie you just told

My buddy getting ready to rank.

Any your proof?

Go to your AH and look at consume prices, thats the proof

Warcraft logs

Hes making things up as he goes to keep posting.

Era realms have seen millions of gold move in a single raid, with some items drawing 6 digit buys back in 2020 and probably significantly higher now.

Fun thought, isnt it.


So no evidence, how predictable. Logic nor evidence is NOT on your side.

You will be ignored forever. GDKPs aren’t coming back. Deal with it.

Deal with no GKDPs. Make another 2000 posts about it. :clown_face:

IDC if they come back, that doesn’t change you being wrong little bro

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You’ve made hundreds of posts about it lol “i DoNt CaRe”. At least you provide something for the rest of us to laugh at.

Go through my posts, i’ve never complained about the ban or asked for it to be changed

I never said you did, I said you made hundreds of posts about it. Try reading something for once.

People don’t make hundreds of posts about something they don’t care about. You’re a joke.

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TBH, I never really raided much in Classic. I’d tag along if I was logged on and I some how got an invite. I really don’t like the culture. I have all my fun by leveling toons and professions.

“I never said you did, I just said you did” man you are smart huh

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