Can someone explain why GDKP is so hated?

The only fact here is that anti gdkp players live in schizo delusions then try to gaslight everyone else into also believing their schizo delusions.

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After talking to Outts these dudes are deranged.

My guy thinks all gdkps charge you $30 per week for a spot.

You cant have a discussion with them, they are so set in their stance they think the extreme outliers are what is the normal.

Its always the same 2 things, the gressil and that gdkp discord selling spots for money, its always the same 2 links.


That’s one of the most idiotic things you’ve said. The AH was DESIGNED for goods to be exchanged for gold. The AH is anonymous and not even in the same ball park as requiring players have gold in order to join their raid. Raids, btw, that are NOT designed for loot to be exchanged for gold and are NOT anonymous.

Talk about crazy…

You’re unable to even read.

And gdkp is INHERENTLY good, it uses the IN GAME CURRENCY.

It being polluted by rmt and other things against the tos doesnt make it bad.

The AH uses your logic, its a place that uses in game currency to buy/sell items.

Its the leader in selling botted items.

By your logic there is no good out of it since its corrupted.

The same way you think gdkps are only corrupted is the same thing you can apply to anything with gold, its actually a crazy way to think.

Look at you and Dorf, it is no longer that some people in gdkps buy gold it is now ALL PEOPLE in gdkps buy gold, you guys are mental.

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The only people defending GDKPs are entitled, spoiled brats who cry about the idea of raiding and getting nothing out of it.

You feed the RMT machine and feel pretty good about it. It’s disgusting.

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Can you not read?

We argue about it being the better way to pug.

We have literally been talking about the difference in pugs and what they are capable of doing.

Who cant read?

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What a load of BS.

This is the same way criminals rationalize their behavior. I’m truly disgusted by you.

So if there was no rmt or bots in wow would gdkps be bad?

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They call GDKP bad for a few reasons.

  1. They are bad players and cannot get into GDKP as a carry.
  2. They have no gold and cannot get into GDKP as a buyer.
  3. They treat GDKP like a boogieman blaming every problem in the game on it.
  4. They are mad no one wants to join their pug group when they have grey/green parses.
  5. They treat this game like its their life, not a game.
    Its pretty funny how mad they get over GDKPs when it doesnt effect anyone in any way. Its simply a way of distributing loot. Some groups funnel items, some use SR, some use DKP, MS/OS, etc… Why do I care if someone gets Maladath? Warglaives or any other piece of loot?
    Their arguments against it are always bad aswell they say things like how it destroys the server economy, ruins the spirit of classic and other grand statements.

There is nothing logical I can say that will sway you from your illogical opinions.

You know absolutely nothing about me other than the fact that I made a comment about anti-gdkp players, you don’t even know if I personally even like gdkps or not, and you instantly went to the generic first insult you can come up with which is some variation of whining about how I’m supposedly involved with RMT.

And you want me to sit here and take you seriously?

You want to know what’s disgusting? A bunch of whiney 40+ year old bads with brat attitudes being bad at a game they have dedicated over a decade, over two decades of their life to, still parsing greys and standing in fire expecting players who put in time and work to get their toons not only raid ready, but ready to pump for the raid, to come carry the bads for free and on demand and to tolerate all the BS the bads are willing to subjugate the actual raiders to.

I’ll answer it for you, I am pro gdkp, so now you can go ahead can call me a gold buyer if that makes you feel better, but I was pro gdkp because I was sick and tired of trying to get my alts into raids just to watch :poop: players show up unprepared in gear, unprepared in consumables, unprepared with buffs, unprepared with knowledge, come in and afk, waste time, butt pull, crack the worst loud jokes possible in a discord I’m forced to be in for the duration of the raid, listening to them yell at their wives, or dogs, or kids, or whatever, and just being the most absolute unbearable leeches imaginable, only to top it off and watch bis loot go to them for free because they’re lucky while I’m out hundreds of gold for consumables and have a nice repair bill with a headache to boot. Then I saw these glorious pug raids, where I get to go do the exact same thing I’ve been doing, but I have 39, or 24, or 19 gamers around me, we all pump, we kill the raid, get loot out, and I walk away with all my expenditures paid for plus more, or I walk away with gear and some extra gold. I never left a gdkp empty handed, versus pugs of different loot systems leaving me empty handed and tilted beyond belief. That was nice.

I don’t care that gdkps are banned, I just won’t have alts lmao, and I’ll just main raid with people I care about, isolating myself from a community I loathe with no repercussions at all.

Go on, say the generic “seethe gold buyer seethe” or whatever unintellectual dribble you can muster out after rubbing your last two warring brain cells, it doesn’t bother me. I know at the end of the day, in p3/p4/p-whatever you’ll be sitting in /2 and /4 begging for mc/bwl runs for your alts and being stuck in the worst pugs imaginable, or just logging because you can’t find good pugs, and I’ll smile and watch you lay in the bed you wanted.

Pro gdkp players don’t actually suffer from a gdkp ban, only the random mouthbreathers do, and boy wow has a lot of those.



I have been arguing with the quality of pugs with him for awhile and he just reverts to the same old “gdkp is all swipers”.

He actually believe this over the fact that the pugs are just better and i can only imagine its because he sucks at the game, which is hwy hes hiding.

Wait till tbc when you cant pug after phase 1, in raid his guild cant even clear but gdkps can. Then he cant imagine why people like gdkps.

You think he killed pre nerf vashj or cleared sunwell? Hell naw.


I’ve known it for a while.

They all resort to “you’re all gold buyers” but 9/10 times they’re posting on alts with no logs or they are a grey/green parser lmao.

I remember in the last “semi-hc” guild I was in, all the pumpers enjoyed gdkps on their alts, and all the bads were mad that we were taking our alts to gdkps instead of running an alt raid with them and gearing their alts.

This is where I did the bulk of my gdkps.

“LFM Gruul need dps DST HR” is just a fancy way of saying “If you’re someone who wants DST, you’re either making your own raid or you’re never getting DST”.

But with gdkps, it’s not HR.

“But but the gold buyers will just keep buying it and you’ll never get it” oh no I’ll cry about it on my pile of gold they gave me lmao, then buy it myself when the price goes down and I get it for 1/5th of what they paid for it a month later.

Hyjal/BT phase? SSC and TK are only ran for belt of 100(k?) deaths and ashes lmao, that’s going to be the bulk of the pugs because T6 is just superior outside of arcane mages, but atleast gdkps still found value in THE ENTIRE REST OF THE RAID.

These people live in delusion and honestly, I’ll just let reality hit them.


There was once a fresh Wrath server called Maladath, on that server there were a group of toxic dads who mass reported anyone trying to run gdkp’s because they didn’t like them. On this server there were more than 5 guilds hard stuck with 4 or more lockouts that couldn’t full clear wrath naxx, and most alt pugs couldn’t kill 4 horseman due to dps. It also took 4 weeks longer to clear 0L yogg on this server than on basically every other server before it finally died and gave free transfers to Westfall.

Its also worth noting that these guilds that mass reported gdkp’s also sold items that were LC’d for gold to each other, and would offer to buy items they lost the roll for in pug runs. These are the players that call for gdkp to be banned, hypocrites and grey parsers.

Though I have to say, I have way more gold now than I would have if I was doing gdkp’s on fresh, since instead of having raiding alts I just have 5+ 35’s with alchemy printing gold every 2 days.


Yeah i mean i dont think many of us will make raiding alts because who wants to play in pugs with people of that caliber.

I will just sell boosts, im sure none of that gold is from gold buying since gdkps are banned.

Then when TBC prepatch launches im going to level a goat hunter and play that in TBC.


I leveled a rogue on SoD because fury warrior is kinda trash but since my guild only runs 1 night a week, only does AQ40 and nothing else, and there’s no GDKP’s (resulting in a dwindling and low quality pug scene), there’s no way for me to make the jump from pre-raid to AQ ready. So I’m just sticking with warrior hoping that I can play it well enough to not be an absolute detriment to my team.

Especially since even if I get into a pug raid, I’d be essentially just along for the ride in a pre-raid rogue. If I was somehow the carry I’d be in real trouble.

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You wanna have a good laugh?

Look at LFG and look at people doing MC pugs looking for more.

Then look up the logs of the run later.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


Using the LFG tool, there are currently 2 going on right now.

One of them is at 24 players and is just a rep farm.

The other has 5 lmao.

/4 LFG is still just people doing pre raid bis farm, tons of LBRS/UBRS/Strat

Be neat if there was some gdkps already going, getting these loose players together to bust out some content and get some loot out there, but you know, bads wanted this so it’s what we got.

Very hard left side note, I used to play Smite, and I watched back in like S4 the Pros v Devs game they had before like some finals or after finals tourny, or whatever.

The pros slaughtered the devs. Who knew that devs don’t actually have to be good at the game they develop.

In other news remember when Blizzard put some D4 devs to ad the game and their gameplay was trash? That was funny.

What was I talking about again? Something about bads making their bed in regards to gdkps and devs not actually needing to be good at the game they dev? Idk maybe there is a link somewhere in there :thinking:

Edit: Saw an Ony ad for /4. Head is HR lmao. That’s like half the loot for the entire raid on HR.


I got 1 starting on Nightslayer.

Gonna track it, they havent started yet tho

What a pathetic piece of trash you guys have turned world of warcraft into.

What a pathetic piece of trash terrible players like you have turned the pug scene into.