Can someone explain why GDKP is so hated?

People are buying gold whether you have GDKP or not. The only difference now is no one else is taking that gold away from them so they just buy stuff off the AH for dumb prices and inflate the AH. 100g Blue Sapphires? 2 hours in ZF or 1 swipe of the mastercard and buy 10.

Everyone else just has to level a mage now and sit in ZF all day.

I personally dont care about GDKP or not, if its banned, I just dont make raid alts and just post potions while raidlogging. Just pointing out that banning it did absolutely nothing (from what I see in-game, I obviously dont have stats).

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So if everyone in this thread that’s pro GDKP because we “want to buy our gear”…who is…carrying us? Who are the 1% raiders that are forming and splitting the GDKP profits…the silent illuminati? I’m guessing these raiders that relied on this form of monetary gain don’t care huh?

Would it be more logical that the RMT’ers simply pivoted along with the RMT sellers to still “buy their gear” and the players that have had a good source of income that paired well with raiding as primary form of entertainment banned would be upset and in the forums?

It’s like reading a flat earth discussion board I swear…


I don’t even hate GDKP, at least not any more than all the other flawed loot systems. It’s just hilarious watching all the swipers go monkey zug over it here on the forums.

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I already see the low quality pug runs, 3 hour MC runs who can’t kill Rag.

I can’t wait for Naxx and TBCC raids to be pug’d lmfao.

The era players are so bad you couldn’t pay me to make an alt to pug with these people.


I have yet to see any GDKP hater explain how the amount of gold people in the raid have changes any of the mechanics of the bosses, players or drop rates.

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Nope. GDKP ledger sums to 0. All costs of raiding need to be covered by someone making gold outside of raid or buying it.

In your hypothetical where 39/40 are making enough to cover their raiding costs, you realize the 40th had to get all that gold from somewhere?

Yeah and in return he got gear, hence why he didn’t net a profit.

Gear, or gold, or a combination of both. Everyone walks away with something from a gdkp.


Imagine just playing the videogame for fun. Crazy thought, i know.

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I play in Era where GDKPs aren’t banned and while I find many of the criticisms of GDKP completely understandable, I personally have never viewed it with any kind of ‘special’ status among all the other loot systems. It seems relatively as valid as systems like soft-reserve and EPGP.

There is truth that real-money trading (RMT) tends to setup incentives through GDKP runs where the game loosely becomes ‘pay to win’, in that BOP gear is purchased by those with the deepest pockets, and this inflates the value of things arbitrarily.

With that being said, for any legit (non-RMT) player, what system you raid under is just a tool that comes down to your characters’ goals at their current stage of progression.

Here’s a rough outline for how I determine participation within a given loot system:

  • Soft-Reserve: When your character needs one or a few specific pieces of raid gear. These runs are usually one-offs with PUGs and come down to a bit of luck/RNG, but have no long-term commitment.
  • EPGP: When your character needs raid gear and your schedule will facilitate participating with the same guild/team consistently. EPGP effectively mathematically ensures fair distribution for the amount of time you put in.
  • GDKP: When you need gold (from payouts) and your character is already geared.
  • Loot Council: If you’re in the inner circle of a clique of officers, otherwise seek alternatives.

I personally never attend GDKPs looking to buy because it’s way simpler (and cheaper) to gear fresh characters through the other loot systems.

There are people sitting on piles of purchased-gold that will use GDKPs as a means to gear out a fresh character. I consider that to be a both boring and unnecessary way to play the game, but those whales do exist among us who will pay for shortcuts.

A lot of the hate GDKPs get seems to revolve around many players feeling that no aspect of this game should ever be pay-to-win. While I generally agree with that sentiment, I’m also under no delusion that banning GDKPs actually stops RMT and/or botting. So yea, just look at GDKPs as a tool to acquire a gold payout for your participation if you’re a legitimate (non-buyer) player.

It’s pure density. The number of times I see “Only gold buyers want GDKPs” is insane. Gold buyers are the SMALLEST metric in the GDKP community. So who are the other parties?

Guilds or independent players that hosted GDKPs outside of their main raids on their alts. Then these raiders used their profits to cycle back into main consumables or to buy gear on other characters. Was there RMT involved…ABSOLUTELY…but 100% you could peg the RMT’er immediately…it was usually decipherable when they posted an intial 25000 gold bid on DFT. News Flash That gold just gotten taken out of the gold buyers hands and dispersed to 39 other people.

1-2 individuals in each raid would be suspect of gold buying…the other 38 or 22 of us were there to try and get some pieces with meager minimum bids…while making a little gold doing something more enjoyable than fighting bots for black lotus…raiding.

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lmao they’ve been co existing for literal years now as Classic has moved through the expansions

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Because NA players are morons and think GDKP = gold buying.

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Why are there minimum bids at all?

Why are buyers required to start the runs?

Why do people intentionally bid up items they don’t want to purchase?

Why do people pretend that GDKP’s aren’t Pay To Win?

It’s just crazy coping from people who want to swipe, or want to take a cut from people who do swipe.

The game did fine without GDKP’s for decades, so go play it without GDKP’s.

The worst argument is “Oh banning GDKP didn’t stop all gold buying so they should unban it!!!”

It’s idiotic, we went from gold buyers being able to purchase any item in the game they want period with GDKP’s, to gold buyers only being able to purchase edgemasters, freezing band, and that’s damn near about it.

It’s a great step to reducing RMT by banning GDKP’s, next all they have to do is flag every single 4000g edgemasters purchase and investigate the buyer for gold buying and ban them permanently when they find they bought gold.

^ That’s step 2, Blizzard needs to work on that(fat chance to be honest), but regardless Step 1 of Banning GDKP’s absolutely was a great step.

If you’re upset about the GDKP ban, but you’re still posting on this forum, just shut up and go play the game and you’ll realize GDKP’s weren’t necessary at all, and caused much more harm than good.


absolutely want to take a cut from swipers. Most of this game sucks and the systematic removal of player introduced QoL, like being able to just GDKP carry and earn raw gold as a healer, for things like Epic flying were great.

Instead we get BRD pickpocketing nerfs, and DM:E jump run preventions added, which of course only effect some classes while mages can still farm 1200g / hr boosting in Mara.

Its the most disengenious half a$$ed fixes with the excuse of preventing RMT or botting, all while bots and farmers continue to run rampant.

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I 100% agree Blizzard is trash for not combatting RMT and gold buyers, and botters.

When I say ban the gold buyers permanently, the people in this thread respond:

The fact of the matter is Blizzard knows that the same whales who buy $90 dinosaurs, also buy gold, and they know the botters that sell gold also pay for subscriptions.

They allow botters AND gold buyers, because it’s profitable for them to do so.

That’s 100% bullsh**, but it’s not an excuse to allow blatant Pay to Win via GDKP’s as well.

Step 1 Ban GDKP’s.
Step 2 Ban all gold buyers permanently
Step 3 Ban botters before they can make a profit

The problem is Blizzard only did step 1, and is unwilling to do steps 2 and 3, but again that’s not an excuse to NOT do step 1 just because people like to cheat.


I was doing ZF a few days ago, I think it was Friday or Saturday, I saw this LFG channel MC run being formed so I took note of his name to look up the logs later.

This is the log.

This looks fun to you? This is better then organized gdkp discord pugs that are 90m full clears with no wipes?

That pug was over 3 hours with 3 rag wipes and they couldn’t kill rag and called it

This is why people want gdkps, you may lie to yourself and say it’s just rmt or swiping or whatever, the fact is people don’t want to run their alts into those above runs.

You can reply with goalpost moving or buzzwords all you want, that’s point blank it, you antis are in these runs, these are the runs you now want us to do.

Sorry I ain’t making an alt to run with trash cans.


I’d rather get a paycut for being a GDKP carry than farm gold. The game has a ton of raw gold sinks, thinking people will buy gold to do GDKPs but not buy gold to afford their epic mount or boos their profs, ect is naive at best.

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Yes. You’re laundering gold. Another reason banning GDKPs is a good idea.

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Drink do you honestly think swiping makes you a good player?

It is absolutely better, that they can buy gold for only those things, as opposed to buying gold for those things AND to purchase any raid item in the game they want.

It’s a positive, it’s not complete, there is more that needs to be done to combat gold buyers and botters, but it is 100% a positive that now the options for spending RMT gold are much less than with GDKP’s.

It just feels like it’s a REEEE I WANT GDKP AND I DON’T CARE ABOUT THE NEGATIVES reaction from the gdkp supporters.