You didn’t try very hard. If you’re giving up then best of luck to you.
I try when it’s worth the energy. It’s not worth the energy to convince random chubs on the internet that I will most likely never encounter again.
Cheers - best of luck to you as well Alsharptusk.
I sold other herbs for 20-30g a stack making 150+g/hr as a solo warrior. This funded my consumes and repairs through naxxramas while generating enough profit that I was able to GDKP after my guild went on hiatus prior to tbc classic. I then GDKP’d as a carry+gold farmed and saved up enough gold for epic flying + max bs/engi within the first week at 70. That same gold continued to fund my consumables with 0 effort of farming post-70 until SWP was out, when my guild went on hiatus again, so I GDKP’d SWP/BT as a carry until wotlk. Actually I lied about TBC, I blocked out the literal hours spent flying in loops with a mote extractor during the days we weren’t raiding because primal shadows and primal manas were big money and nobody was farming them that way.
I think you guys are just lazy. Literally do jump runs. Farm old dungeons for raw gold, I did SM Lib solo/boost runs as a warrior for ages because I had mining and mining returns sucked. I dropped mining for herb and made more gold faster doing herbalism with 0 world farming and 0 lotus picked.
Now they just won’t raid with causals and most casuals won’t clear anything past bwl.
Gold buying casuals will prob get past AQ40 but will get blocked from naxx due to low parses and so few raids.
Absolutely correct - RMT remains unaffected and has just pivoted. People blame GDKP’s but it was just an “avenue” that at least people could put in a modicum of effort and profit from, spreading the gold back amongst the playerbase.
People are so absolutely dense, which is pretty much the problem with population globally. They all think they “know” something. In reality they know nothing.
GDKP’s was a decently balanced solution to redistribute RMT/Botted/marketeering (groups of players working together to control AH and gouge market prices). The people that speak out about how their experiences were ruined fall in 1 of 2 categories.
- GDKP’s affected their ability to control markets.
- They couldn’t be bothered to raid/put in even 1% effort for green parses in an absolutely saturated parsing storage where breathing on a mob netted a green parse.
Now RMT pivots to botting/farming again, especially in the raid consumable market, gouging any BoE on any gearing list every posted. They have bots that immediately buy any reasonably posted item and then scalp is for 300%, in turn continuing to fund RMT.
Big Cope
TL:DR Me smart, others dumb. Waa I can’t swipe and spend on GDKP.
they say no matter how well you articulate a message to someone, they can only receive that messages translation through their own lens based on their own intellect. The fact you translated what he just said into what you perceived it to be speaks volumes about the makeup of your own mind…
bc you dont use the gold you earned in game (you buy it) and you know you dont. so dont lie
you would make an excellent communist ratting out your neighbors for crimes they didn’t even commit. “It doesn’t matter because I believe it to be true anyway”
the majority do. and you know it. dont gaslight me.
how do you know it? I know I’ve never bought gold
You have this backwards.
People were accusing people of being communist, not the other way around
look deeper into history bud. Further back than this year
do you not know what Mccarthyism was?
Probably because GDKPs are dumb and stupid.
you probably live in the game which is why you hate GDKP. Most of your self worth comes from your strength within the game world. So when you feel that others are getting the leg up on you by swiping, it hurts your self worth, because so much of it relies on your place within the game. I guess I already did that rat race back in 2006 so I have no need to chase that stuff because I know its not actually fulfilling.
Bring back GDKP if you enjoy the long term health of the game, perma ban gold buyers and sellers. It’s not that hard but Blizzard is greedier than ever these days.
Not my fault you like dumb loot systems like GDKP.
yea I think that last one struck a nerve
How so when GDKPs are banned and I’ve won.
some people would rather rule over the ashes (a dead game) than give in to sense and reasoning