I think it is bannable and is essentially a GDKP with extra steps and an attempt to evade the ban by semantics, but according to the policy verbatim it is in fact bannable to sell any item in a dungeon or raid for gold.
“Oh we did our bidding before the raid and determined the winner and sold the item to them, so it’s not a GDKP so we can evade this ban”
I’ve heard people claiming it’s fine, but it’s probably the same people begging for GDKP’s to be unbanned and lying constantly so I wouldn’t listen to what they say and just go by the Blizzard policy.
I’m gonna start reporting anyone spamming about selling items in raid under the same GDKP ban.
Technically speaking, based on this statement it IS bannable to sell any item in a raid or dungeon for gold, so they should be able to be banned for doing so regardless of what people are trying to claim to cover their asses.
^ According to that the SoD policy post says “any raid or dungeon run where items are awarded in exchange for gold” is banned.
And the anniversary post says that the anniversary realm will be adopting the SoD policy.
So technically speaking selling any item in a raid or dungeon for gold is bannable, so yeah start reporting any run that is selling raid items for gold and trying to evade this GDKP ban by claiming “oh it’s not a GDKP, we just sell the item for gold instead…”
Which by definition of Blizzard policy is bannable.