Can someone explain why GDKP is so hated?

There really just should be a button for it on the post itself. But bad design is what blizzard does now so…

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You know who I am

Notice how you keep saying you don’t know who I am? It’s because you know exactly who I am rofl.

I’m the most highly regarded member of this community.

Keep duckin

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I really don’t, but I do find it amusing that I occupy so much space in your mind. Every time I’ve posted for the last week you’ve replied to it. It’s like you’re my little dog.

Are you saying botting and RMT aren’t happening on the anniversary realms?

Do you believe that the earth is flat because it looks flat from where you’re standing?

Couldnt the same thing be asked of you with your perspective?


What are your thoughts on this? People are selling BoP dungeon loot and I’ve seen multiple ads for MC loot as well.

I’ve also had multiple people tell me this is fine.




This thread keeps delivering! :rofl:

Bots/RMT highest its ever been, but hey at least there are less pugs now!

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Form your own group?

Why would I form my own group when my GM/officer core goes to the trouble of making a roster and signup? Sweats like me were never the ones who were going to suffer from the gdkp ban, we just don’t play alts lol. Keeping casuals out of raiding may be the best way to fight RMT though now that I think about it

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I think it is bannable and is essentially a GDKP with extra steps and an attempt to evade the ban by semantics, but according to the policy verbatim it is in fact bannable to sell any item in a dungeon or raid for gold.

“Oh we did our bidding before the raid and determined the winner and sold the item to them, so it’s not a GDKP so we can evade this ban”

I’ve heard people claiming it’s fine, but it’s probably the same people begging for GDKP’s to be unbanned and lying constantly so I wouldn’t listen to what they say and just go by the Blizzard policy.

I’m gonna start reporting anyone spamming about selling items in raid under the same GDKP ban.

Technically speaking, based on this statement it IS bannable to sell any item in a raid or dungeon for gold, so they should be able to be banned for doing so regardless of what people are trying to claim to cover their asses.

^ According to that the SoD policy post says “any raid or dungeon run where items are awarded in exchange for gold” is banned.

And the anniversary post says that the anniversary realm will be adopting the SoD policy.

So technically speaking selling any item in a raid or dungeon for gold is bannable, so yeah start reporting any run that is selling raid items for gold and trying to evade this GDKP ban by claiming “oh it’s not a GDKP, we just sell the item for gold instead…”

Which by definition of Blizzard policy is bannable.


“Awarded” so ML is off and all good then

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^ You can tell you’re wrong by the letter of the law, so it’s just squiriming and trying to justify it with BS semantics.

If the organizers ever said “We’re selling X item for gold” and a person joins and gets that item and trades them gold for it, it’s bannable according to the policy period.

Now enforcement and Blizzard actually banning them is a different thing, but according to the policy it is 100% reportable for violating the policy of banning GDKPs and they should be banned for doing so.

ok but why do that when a much better solution exists that FULLY solves the problem (ban all the bots) :expressionless:

Sorry that blizzards exact words contradicts your point. Items “awarded for gold” so its simple, if you have hoj you can’t award or roll on it since its unique. This means its completely fine to accept gold for killing the boss. Its obvious to anyone with a brain and common sense that the only reason the word dungeon was included in their post was because people would be running gdkp’s in UBRS claiming it is not a raid.

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Because it’s much more difficult to ban every single bot, and there are many other issues with the GDKP system as well.

This is a much faster way to address at least one part of the problem while continuing to address the others.

Banning GDKPs is a great thing and a good first step, but 100% more needs to be done.

These issues are tied together but are also independent issues.

It’s not a “Well just do this instead”

No, you need to address each issue individually even though there is overlap between them.

On a side note, I’m really surprised you’re in favor of GDKPs but against dual spec, and you said you stopped playing anniversary because you got bored so I’m also surprised you care about the GDKP ban in SoD or anniversary.

i’m still against the GDKP ban on the principle that blizzard should not be dictating how players choose to associate with each other :expressionless:



past tense: awarded; past participle: awarded

  1. give or order the giving of (something) as an official payment, compensation, or prize to (someone).

By definition giving someone the item in whatever form or process in exchange for gold counts as being bannable.

You’re really not good at reading as you’ve proven time and time again, but this is the fact of the matter.